MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Worth going to the theatre for?

Worth going to the theatre for?

I was wondering if this is worth going out to see, or wait until i can watch it on DVD.
No spoilers please ;)


Thats really a matter of opinion. I took my lil brother to see it at matinee so tickets were $5 each. It was well worth it at that price. I won't be able to decide if I like this version more than the original unti part 2 comes out based on the way they cut the film. I did like the original and I also liked this version though for different reasons. This version was pretty funny but it didn't feel like a comedy at all, just alot of good banter thrown in. I think Tim Curry did a better job as "IT", I didn't like the overuse of CGI (I never do) and Tim Curry is just a beast. The kids all did a really good job acting too in my opinion. I'm not 100% sure on this last part but I do believe this version is trying to keep closer to the book. Thats all I can say without any spoilers. My opinion is if you can go see a cheap show its definitely worth your time. Its a 6.5/10 for me.


I saw it yesterday and had a blast. I'd recommend seeing it on the big screen. Just the opening scene had me going on like holy shit this is going to be a good movie and it really is. It's just a really fun and entertaining movie. 8,5/10 for me.


I liked the movie and thought it was worth seeing in the theater. I was originally going to wait for Blu-Ray, but with the hype and excitement building the two weeks before the movie came out in theaters, I decided to go see it in the theater. I also went on Thursday night (the 7th). And with seeing people on the internet saying they are not seeing the movie in theaters because they hate clowns or are afraid, seeing the movie in theaters kind of gives you bragging rights and stuff.


Go now, it's a must see! Seeing as I happen to be one of the bigger fans of this film on here, I may be biased. ;) But in all seriousness, I've already seen IT more than once (the second time in Dolby Cinema was even better) and I can assuredly say it was worth every dollar. Did I find it scary? Not really, although in all fairness I can't name that many horror movies that scare me anymore (and to the horror buffs, that includes movies going back to the silent era...Japanese horror though). The film relies heavily on jump scares, and to certain people that is one of their biggest complaints considering the novel is seen as terrifying and jump scares are gimmicky. This adaption nevertheless has an expertly creepy tone throughout, nightmarish visuals, and best of all, Bill Skarsgard gives a rather multi-dimensional and unforgettably chilling performance as Pennywise.

And for all the CGI bashing that goes on, the fact is an It adaptation wouldn't completely work without it. The CGI for the most part is well-done and not abused whatsoever. That's especially true for Pennywise because while Skarsgard's version does things that would trick some viewers into thinking it's not the actor (for instance, there's close up shots where his eyes are seen moving/looking in different directions, and that is something Bill did on his own), the clown appearing extraordinary like it's coming from another dimension only makes sense. So the CGI effects (good ones at that) only enchance the way Pennywise/It looks in some scenes, particularly in the ending. It's worth noting that practical effects are also used to a great extent.

In any event, if you're looking for a wonderfully shot, well-paced, and genuinely well-acted film with some thrills and sincerity, then you'll get your money's worth. If you're expecting one of the most terrifying films ever, then you very well may get it if clowns are frightening to you or if you tend to "immerse" yourself in very intense sequences. Either way, I say go watch it and see what all the fuzz is about. Whilst it's been an enormous critical and financial success, try to keep your expectations low and you might just have the time of your life. I think it's a special thing to see a movie with this kind of hype on the big screen.




Thanks for the answers. I was thinking I really wanted to see it in theatre too because I loved the last one a lot when I was younger, so it would be cool to have an opportunity to see it as a big screen version. We will see Friday if i go or not. hehe, Again thanks for the replies! :)


The movie is pretty bad and forgettable. It may be worth watching in the theatre because a big screen and sound system might compensate for some of its flaws.


Yes! I just saw it tonight, Halloween 2019.

