MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Just Wanted To Say This Movie Is Horrend...

Just Wanted To Say This Movie Is Horrendous Turd Bubblings

I saw it. It was even more terrible than I thought it would be.

There's a certain minority of people who agree with everything I think about this shit exploding abomination down to the minutest detail.

The genius of this movie is that they knew that most people are gullible and trendy enough to swallow this sugarcoated, herpes-infested load and ask for more.

The pharmacist hitting on Beverly... I mean, just holy shit, NO.

I was right about absolutely everything.


Even if it isn't oscar worthy, it's still one of the best horror movies to come out in a long time. It included many of the most iconic moments from the novel that weren't in the original TV adaptation, such as the leper at the house on Niebolt Street and Georgie losing his arm. It's not nearly as great as the novel, but it is certainly an improvement over the TV miniseries.


Yup. Still if you take away Pennywise and all the horror elements, I still think this film would qualify as Oscar-worthy (lesser films do get more attention every now and then). From an ensemble of young actors delivering strong performances to stunning cinematography, this film is just really well-done. It has plenty of elements that make it a great Stephen King adaption.

OP doesn’t sound like the type of person who wants to hear any counter-arguments though, so I’ll simply disagree with their asinine rant.





I think this movie is brilliant and I can't wait to see it again on Blu-ray.



Simply loved it.


More on.


And yet another post from someone so insecure, they can't be satisfied with just posting their opinion of a film. Instead, they have to insult anyone who disagrees with them, as if their taste in movies is the only possible correct taste.
It's a kind of psychosis, actually.


I liked bits and pieces like the opening scene, etc. but something just felt off. I think it's because separating the kids from adults throws the pace off the story. I prefer the old movie just because both were shown together like the book.

The sequel will probably suck because the grown-ups themselves suck.


I think they could've made it a very good movie if they got a screenwriter who actually gave a shit about the original story. It feels so "off" because the writer, director, and producers could give a shit about anything except money and pushing their small, childish personal agendas. I mean they literally put a bunch of shit in this movie that they just randomly pulled out of their asses, like the "yo momma" jokes and the swimming-in-their-underwear scene.


Wow, you're stupid, Poz.


I'm smarter than you, buttnut.


hahah the "yo momma" jokes were the worst :(


Thats very insightful !


Agreed, it was just a updated version of the mini series...nothing was added to make it different than the original. This proves that all remakes sucks!


How would you have preferred they updated it, except setting it in the early 90s, I suppose; and do you think it would not have upset more fans straying to far from the source material doing so?


I never read the book so I'm not sure if my suggestions are covered. I would have loved if they explored the origin of Pennywise, who was he? where did he come from? his name? I enjoyed the mini series because it had "the goonies" vibe to it. Although it was done here (swimming) it just seemed a bit forced. They also got rid of the racism issues, The N-word scene was not included. Why did the bullies pick the black kid for no reason, in the mini series even the n-word was used. It just made the original more realistic. That's just my opinion. I can't think of any remake in the past couple of years that were good.


First of all, thanks for not taking my comment as a personal attack - I was genuinely asking out of curiosity.
I can only answer from my own point of view; I think they got rid of the racism issues because of the times we live in now, where there's a lot of political correctness and to incorporate that stuff might've eliminated some audiences, and since they updated the setting to the 90s it's not *as* prevalent as it was in the 50s when the original took place. And I won't spoil anything, but if the filmmakers are staying true to the book for the next movie more about Pennywise will be revealed when the kids are adults.
I agree with you though, not many remakes are good. It wasn't the best movie ever, but I did enjoy this one as a stand-alone while also having fond memories of the mini-series.


Did Scarface suck? Did The Thing suck? Did Cape Fear suck? Did The Fly suck? Did The Departed suck?
All remakes


well if u want to compare it to the mini-series, all of it was different. in a bad way.

this remake/re-adaptation/whatever-the-hell sucks, but not all do. it's just that all of them from the last like fifteen years do. "the Blob" and "the Fly" were 80s remakes that were actually good.


You didn't mention one reason for disliking the movie, though. you're not leaving much grounds for a conversation.
