MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > The two scenes that felt out of place be...

The two scenes that felt out of place because of music

The scene where they was cleaning the blood from Beverly's bathroom, thats some serious demented dark stuff, they all looked shocked and sickened by it, and then it cuts over and this upbeat 80's song is playing while they show a montage of them cleaning the bathroom. It just felt very odd they chose to play that kind of song as if they was having fun cleaning the attic or something.

Then the rock fight scene, the bullies up to that point had been shown as very demented and cruel, but then they just start a rock fight and again another random song plays then they choose to slow down the audio for the fat bully as he yells with the metal music playing. It felt like a scene from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid or something.

The scene themselves wasn't out pf place per se but the song choices was and didn't fit the moments.


I saw this movie as more of a coming of age story with supernatural aspects, rather than a full-on horror movie which is weird because the opening is so dark, but the rest feels so lighthearted.


Yeah me too. That's why I liked it so much. I went to see it because I was bored and wanted to see a scary movie and this was playing. It turned out to be so much better than I expected. Looking forward to seeing it again on blu ray.


I agree. If you watch this as a horror movie, you might be disappointed. You have to watch it as a different kind of movie with horror/supernatural mixed into it. Me, I see it more as an adventure movie with horror every once in a while. I also watch a ton of horror movies, so I didn't find the movie scary at all. I even hate clowns too and I wasn't scared at all. And with as many horror movies as I watch, I'd say that IT is a 3 or 4 out of 10 max for being scary. Plus its more "fun" scary/horror than actual scary/horror. As for watching it as a different kind of movie than horror, I'd give it nothing below a 9/10.


Just curious, what movies would you recommend as a 10 for being scary?


I couldn't disagree with you more. Those scenes were great and the music choises were brilliant. The rock fight scene was propably my favourite scene and the music really made it. I really got a kick out of it. And I think it was at that scene where I thought "yeah, this movie is really good".


I can maybe excuse the rock fight scene, but them cleaning the bathroom covered in blood with that upbeat 80's song was really out of place, it felt like they wasn't scared or anything, like "no big deal just having fun cleaning an entire bathroom covered in blood" felt like that scene from Revenge Of The Nerds when they was cleaning that run downed house.

I could never imagine in the original some kind of song like that playing anywhere in it, just felt like they was trying to cater to the Stranger Things fanbase and have some fun 80's montage. That scene should have felt dark and shown them getting sick while they was cleaning it, it shouldn't have felt fun and upbeat.


Maybe that was to emphasise that when they are together they are less afraid of IT.


Well i mean obviously when you're around a bunch of other people you're not gonna be as scared of something as you would be by yourself. But the song choice and style of editing didn't fit with the scene imo.

I like the movie but these two scenes didn't fit with the rest of the movie imo.


I get what you mean, I'd usually be very bothered by some weird out of place music, but for some reason, I wasn't in this case. I do agree, though that they were probably going for that Stranger Things feel with it.


Anthrax and The Cure songs. ;) Full disclosure, if I felt that the songs were inappropriate in these two moments, I would nevertheless take zero issue with them being used because, well, they’re my jams. :p I did start to smile when I heard them. But the reason I do not find the metal song (“Antisocial”) out of place, is humor is strewn throughout the film and the way the rock fight starts is funny to begin with. So to accompany what is happening on screen they threw in a rockin’ (no pun) tune that contains lyrics that somewhat reflects who the kids from the Losers Club are. Idk about you, but to me it was fitting.

As for the other song, it’s funny knowing The Cure are famous for their dark and gloomy nature, and yet this song of theirs is straightforwardly upbeat. Although does it sound inappropriate in the cleaning scene? Maybe, maybe not. The film has no shortage of scenes which show the kids experiencing horrible things, thus having a fairly upbeat song play in a scene that “should” show the young group looking visibly disgusted - they come together instead and help out Beverly very willingly - in order to lighten up the mood after such a dark scene works for me.

I figured with the soundtrack in general they wanted to put emphasis on the fact that the film was set in the 80’s, EVEN if the song choices were atypical (which is something I greatly appreciated). And another thing, I doubt the impact of Stranger Things affected IT’s soundtrack. While I wouldn’t rule it out, this film, like Stranger Things, was painted as a homage to certain 80’s movies and began filming before the latter premiered. Coincidence? I think so. Preferring to hear the original score in many of these scenes instead of “flashy” songs is understandable. Still, I find the rather eccentric result effective and it sets itself apart from the miniseries in a good way.


Yeah the rock war scene just left me scratching my head not just because of the music but the blue screen slo mo closeups and Belch screaming "fuck you bitch" in slo motion just had me feeling a little confused to say the least.

Also the New Kids On The Block poster on the back of Ben's door and the quick cuts/music between him and Beverley, I actually involuntarily laughed out loud during that part much to the shock of the people in front of me. Very strange choices from the director.


Because it's the nicely crafted parts of the film about 80's nostalgia , that's attractive. It's marketing 101, using cool themes and music to evoke a positive response.

The film could of stood on it's own with just that.

But instead. We get deluging with VEHEMENT violence and death to children.

" IT's " made to have you accept brutal violence as normal and positive.

Just look at the stare of the viewers, as they watch this film. It says it all.


I remember the blood clean up scene. I remember it broke up the tension and pacing of the scene and I was annoyed while waiting for the song to finish so the plot could pick back up again.


Yeah and another scene that completely broke the tension and mood was when Ben was giving the rundown of the towns history and right in the middle of it Beverly closes the door and that dumb ass New Kids On The Block song suddenly blasts on when it shows that poster, then quickly stops.

There was just so many weird choices for certain scenes with random songs that felt really out of place.


the movie was made to appeal to nerds


I saw this movie with subtitles last night for the first time, and it was like watching the movie all over again because when I saw it in cinemas, I couldn't understand many of the lines as they went by too fast, but with the subtitles I was able to read every little thing and I found the movie better as a result of it.

And the subtitles showed the lyrics of these songs used, and I thought the lyrics were very appropriate for the scenes.


Sub titles whats your native language.


English. When I watch a movie for the first time on DVD or whatever, I usually put subs on as I sometimes find it hard to pick up on certain words, and this movie had lots of moments like that, especially with so many child voices overlapping and Eddie in particular talking so fast. But once I know the words I turn the subs off on subsequent viewings.
