MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Minor detail, but it irritated the crap ...

Minor detail, but it irritated the crap out of me...

In the 80's, we didn't say "...the F*&k?!" or "Jesus F*^k!". The time period was clearly the late 80's because they not only said so but the clothes, and the movie on the marquee and the cars, and the music, etc.

It just bugged me...


I remember in the eighties saying hang out as i want to hang out. However i never remember asking someone if they wanted to hang. It's clearly a modern phrase in" use now. Yet right after the clean up scene when they are talking he says to Beverly "we like hanging with you".



These era based films never seem to get the vernacular right, this coming from a guy who was a kid in 1989. I noticed it more in the kid who played Eddie. It is what it is....


I swore just like that in the 1980s. So the movie is correct.


I don't believe you. No one said that stuff. :)


I agree.


This was discussed a lot in a Facebook group I was in that was devoted to the book and movie. People were 50/50 on it saying they did cuss a lot in the 80s or they didn’t. I have personally never been one to cuss at all but I had friends who cussed a lot!


It may also depend on what part of the country you live in, your parents, etc. I had a friend that could not form a sentence without dropping an F bomb.


It has nothing to do with cussing, it has to do with how you're cussing. Imagine the show Mad Men set in the 60's and Peggy refers to Don as a fuckboy for throwing money at her. That's a hell of an anachronism!


I'd say a little poetic license was used throughout the film in a few places.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


It’ll never cease to amaze me how people on forums like this think that what is/was the norm where they are is the same everywhere else.

“Clearly a modern phrase used now...”.

You serious? Wanting to ‘hang’ has been around for decades. 45 years +. Clearly depends on where you grew up.

Reminds me of how on the IMDB boards someone once said a huge “plot hole” was a hospital allowing cell phones in the building. “Hospitals don’t allow cell phones!” they yelled. Well, maybe where she came from but where I was no problem.


It´s not the movies fault that you talked like a retard as a child.


Yep.. Calzone is trolling as usual..

Slow Calzone, there's no need to be rude or obnoxious.. Sounds to me the OP was brought up at least to have some semblance of manners, which clearly, - you've been raised otherwise. It's very telling..

It's okay to cry.. we give group hugs if you need them..


Aint no troll


You're right, no one said those things that the time. They said stupid things like "F&*K an A." I got so sick of hearing that stupid phrase.

I have never heard anyone say "Jesus F*^k!" EVER. Nope, never heard that until this.


Funny that we both felt there was something off about the dialogue supposedly coming from the mouths of 80s kids, but we honed in on different aspects. You felt the swearing was off and I felt the speed at which the kids talked, especially Eddie and Richie, was way too fast for the 80s and that their characters sounded more like someone who should be narrating a Fornite let's play on YouTube.

Ok, maybe the swearing was a tad exaggerated, but my friends and I cursed a lot when we were that age. Almost like we discovered a new toy that we didn't have access to when we were younger and so we awkwardly overused it.
