MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Beyond dreadful...

Beyond dreadful...

This was by far one of the most dreadful and disappointing movies I've seen in a long time. Over an hour of my life that'll never get back. lol

I have a lot of doubt and pessimism in horror films nowadays, and especially when it comes to remakes. And this film only confirmed that for me.

Just watching the trailer, I knew this movie wasn't going to be good. I don't know why, but somehow I just knew. The only reason I was forced to watch this movie, is because I was with a group of friends who badly wanted to see it. I tried entering this film with an open mind. I tried not to be so skeptical. But in the end, my gut instinct turned out to be right.

First off, I could care less for the character of Pennywise in this film. In the original It, Pennywise was creepy in a subtle kind of way. He looked just like a regular clown, but actor Tim Curry managed to give him a really sinister persona. The appearance of Pennywise in this film was just overkill. He looked more like a demon than a clown, which automatically steered clear of the premise of the original character.

Even 'the Georgie scene' was a disappointment. In the original, all we knew is that Georgie was obviously killed by Pennywise. The mystery behind Georgie's death is what made the movie in a way. But in this film, we see Georgie straight up get his arm ripped off and then dragged into the sewer. Yet again, more overkill. And also, the kid who played Georgie wasn't convincing or even likable compared to the original. And also, I liked how in the original, when Pennywise first meets Georgie; he at least puts in some effort to act friendly, and to persuade Georgie to stick his hand down in the sewer, which ultimately led to his demise. But in this film, Pennywise was just so evil looking, that it really took away all substance from the original scene. Like I said was just overkill.

I didn't care for the actor who portrayed Pennywise. Even though he may be a great actor aside from this movie...nobody can outshine Tim Curry's evil clown character. Nobody!

The CGI of Pennywise was rather disappointing as well. And I absolutely hated all the jump-scares. The CGI and jump-scares is what made this movie seem like nothing more than a shallow remake, with a few cheap thrills.

I didn't like the fact that movie took place during the 1980's. For whatever reason, that really bothered In the original film, it took place during the 1960's.

The overall cast of kids in the film was a letdown as well. They just weren't as likable as the original characters.

I think the film dragged on way too long, and all amounted to nothing spectacular. It got to the point to where I didn't even care anymore. And at times, it was just painfully boring.

I know there are a lot of people who will disagree with me. But you must understand, that I grew up watching the original It. Maybe if I never would've watched the original, I might view this remake differently. But with that being said, I just couldn't take this film seriously. It turned out to be nothing more than another disappointing remake.


I agree for the most part, but I think the Georgie scene was the only thing that was remotely scary in this film. The tension leading up to it was effective, but everything after that was jackass.

"And what about the sh*t weasels, the ones that blast out the basement door?" - Col. Curtis


Jesus Christ, you're all fucking ungraceful little shits! Just be glad we got a pretty good adaption. This is why today's generation is terrible. They're all ungrateful for the stuff they have and bitch and complain because it's not the way they wanted it. Well, too bad!


Ungraceful? Not sure what grace has to do with anything but if its lacking in someone it is clearly you. There was no tension in scene. It lacked subtly and was almost self aware, like the film knew what we were expecting l. If we are to entertain that a child is going to give pennywise the time of day, it cant look like something that obviously is fixing to eat them. There was point in It taking on the appearance of a clown. The whole point that it took on the appearance of a clown, to draw children in. The movie failed in execution and tone. As long as it added absolutely nothing worth watching. There was hardly any build up to the friendships and the children lacked distinction.


I hope people like you someday wake and realize with they have done to our society. But nope, that'll never happen. Yes, the clown should've looked more innocent but the fact is people are very ungrateful these days. Just be happy for what you have, seriously! All people do IMDb/MovieChat anymore is bitch and complain and it's getting old!


today's generation?

Lots of people, of all ages, hated this terrible movie.


God, you people are pathetic. All you ever do is bitch and complain! Get a fucking life, people!


Hey, uh, Cody? Buddy? It’s clear that most of the folks who don’t like this film are people who watched the TV miniseries A GENERATION AGO!


Or it could be that people have become so ungrateful these days!


The film was very bizarre and it seemed so forced. The friendship between the losers had no natural flow. The way they interact with each other is very forced and the manner in which they reveal the incidents with pennywise is so haphazardly put together. The convictions that drive them to seek out pennywise are weak and inconsistent. Their reactions are either underwhelming or inappropriately hysterical. The miniseries, despite the safe PG route, it had more suspense and a creepier tone than this clusterfuck of tone.


I agree.



Over two hours


I just watched this and I have to agree. I'm baffled at the 7.4 rating. It relied on gory special effects instead of story or character development (Stephen King always concentrates on fleshing out his characters). The original did a fair job of it and it had a very creepy tone which this one missed by a mile.

To those moaning about the complaints, it's a discussion board, not a fan site. It's also not a venue for insulting people.


There was never a theatrical movie version of this story before, only a highly-sanitised television movie, and we all know they can't go too far to avoid upsetting people.

Semantics. For all intents and purposes, this is a remake.


I wasn’t expecting a Stranger Things retread. I was expecting something, you know, scary.




Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I just watched it and found it very entertaining.
