

I hope that in the sequal they do something that they missed an opportunity to do in this movie. Some kind of comparison or mention about penny wise reminding one of the kids of a demented Ronald McDonald. This was described in a way in the book. You know how some McDonald's have the statue of the clown maybe by the playground. How cool would it to have been to have seen Richie eating at one of the tables then look up and see the head of pennywise on that statue giving Richie a little wave. He turns away real fast but when he looks back at it there is just the Ronald head again. Well now we need this scene in the the next movie when adult Richie come back to Derry. Even red neck towns like Derry will always have a McDonald's.


I doubt McDonalds would allow this.



You'll never know, mcdonalds would love free publicity.



That would have been an awesome scene for Richie fears of Clowns! Send it to the producers.


If McDonald's would have a beef about using their name it can be a fictitious fast food place that has a mascot clown. Fun time Burger with Harold the clown. Harold would look almost like bozo.


Going slightly off topic for a second but it's related. Google extremely old pics of Ronald McDonald. I think from the sixties. The very first look for the Ronald clown was much scarier than the one that's been around the last few decades.


I take back my last statement I got old ronald confused with some other vintage clown. The old pics of Ronald just look funny not creepy.


Haha, beef. ISWYDT


The mention of Ronald McDonald in the book was just that.... a mention. I believe that King said the clown was a cross between Ronald McDonald and Clara Bell the Clown, from the Howdy Doody show.


The comparison was between Bozo & Clara Bell whereas if Georgie had lived a few years more he would've compared IT to Ronald McDonald (as he was introduced as part of the franchise in 1963)


Thank you! That was it! Not IT..... LOL!
If only I had taken the time to get out my book....
Thanks for setting the record straight.
