
I love the book and have read it a few times, so I know that in the original story, there's only the two parts. But *minor spoilers* enough of them survive, and the timing would work right for their ages to make a third part, like a trilogy, could potentially even include grandchildren or something.

To be clear, I personally think this would be a horrible idea, but with money-hungry studios, I could see it happening.



Eh, no. It should just be 2 movies like originally planned. However, it wouldn't surprise me if greedy Hollywood milked it for all its worth and made more and more sequels, prequels etc.


There's not enough story for two more movies. They might try, but not if the next film fails. The meat of IT is the kids story, I think the filmmakers are going to run into the same problem the miniseries did, and they have to write the script on their own this time so I can't see the next film being good enough to warrant a sequel.

If they wanted a trilogy they should have structured the stories with two focusing on the kids part and the final one on the adults story. If I remember correctly the confrontation in the abandoned house "the novel" would be a good place to split the two early movies up.


What would be the point of the 3rd movie, other than to rehash the second movie with 66 year old characters? The were already older and weaker by the second half of the story, so any of that childhood magic should be long gone by that point. Another huge problem is that they already shifted the time line. So a 3rd movie would take place in 2044. How do they do that? I would hate to see Derry transformed in Back to future 2.
