Terrible actress!

My god the female MI6 lady is a terrible actress. Annoying from start to finish.


She was good in this and good in Spooks as well.

** I've got a dog called Curiosity **


Olivia Colman is actually a very good actress. I didn't like the Angela Burr character because she was too much of a do-gooder who wouldn't listen to anyone because she was determined to bring Richard Roper down no matter what but Colman was the perfect actress for such a role.


She may be a good actress, but the wrong one for this role. Without in any way wishing to be unkind, she looks like she'd be more at home in Sainsbury's in Lewisham than Zermatt in Switzerland.


I think that she would have been a lot more believable if she hadn't been pregnant while the show was filming. The pregnancy being written into the show made it unbelievable.


The actress is 42 years old, so the biological clock was ticking louder than ever.


For someone in the spy game, is that a bad thing?

** I've got a dog called Curiosity **


Perhaps. Someone in the spy game needs to be able to slip into any environment seamlessly, definitely not stand out and draw attention to oneself. I can just picture her in Cairo muttering about not being able to get a decent cup of tea and complaining about all this foreign muck.


Funny, I know quite a few people in the intelligence community, and I was just saying to my hubby that she is so much more realistic and believable than the likes of that lady in Homeland, for example! They don't tend to be young and attractive :-)


Well I don't find Claire Danes particularly attractive, Also they are about the same age. Claure is pushing 40. I don't know. Something was just off for me. The whole show really was mediocre.


I have to agree with you on that one, I also don't find her attractive, but clearly she is meant to be - she also attracts men like moths to a fire on the show and they definitely make out as some sort of sex pot, which is the unrealistic thing about this. But that's generally the case in US series of that sort, whereas in real life, people working in intelligence are much more likely to be frumpy nerds (and I say that lovingly as I actually prefer those people :-) )


Plus I overall agree that she wasn't the best choice for this role - there are other middle aged British actresses who might have been a better fit for this. I just don't agree that her acting was horrible per se.


for which she just won a Golden Globe........ just saying.....


That's why I said I don't agree that her acting was terrible, as suggested by the OP


Personally I thought her acting was good but she was just an unlikable sort of character/face.

I imagine if I had her as my boss I'd think she was a bitch!

The acting was very good though, and the fact that she was unlikable might have been the point of it.


She was quite good - all of the acting is top notch.
