MovieChat Forums > Community (2009) Discussion > Who is your favorite?

Who is your favorite?

I'm curious to see who everyone's favorite original Greendale 7 member is. One person from the original group. No Dean, no Chang, no Hickey/Duncan/Frankie/Elroy, no Troy AND Abed, no ranking list. Only your one favorite. Just like your same sex celebrity crush you know you have one. I'm curious to see if there's diversity.

After much thought I can say that Pierce was my favorite member of the original study group. He resulted in many amazing jokes.

"Because I can't think of anything more frightening than a half-Arab, half-Polish virgin in his thirties. One way or another that ends with an explosion."

"My platform is one high enough to push Vicki off to her death."


I go with Pierce too.

reply all her phases.


Peyote Britta is my favorite.

Mudbutt Britta is a close second.

Is that pistol an automatic?... I want that. - Dottie Underwood


Britta by a country mile.

Get on the scale son! Get off the scale.


I vote Jeff. At least he wasn't a cartoon show character. He also had emotional depth as well as comedic value.


Damn, I just realized I am the only person wjo said that. Well my favorite AD charcter was Michael anyway, guess it makes sense.


There's no shame in liking best who the show was basically written around.

Well, that's the end of the first half. Let's take a look at our totals

Annie - 5
Britta - 4
Pierce - 3
Abed - 2
Troy - 1
Jeff - 1
Shirley - 0

Keep the votes coming. And remember kids the bible doesn't recognize divorce. Once you're married, you're married for life.


The reason Shirley has 0 votes is because she is constantly used as a wild card. Example: Annie is smart? Shirley beats her. Foosball? Shirley is good at it. Paintball? She is suddenly a badass. The app testing episode? People are suddenly bending over to be her slave. She basically has no character other than being good at stuff for a quick gag. Oh, and also she is almost as bigoted as Pierce but no one seems to mind.


It used to be Troy but I'm currently doing a complete series viewing of the show and Pierce is really coming off as my favorite. So I'm choosing Pierce Hawthorne.


He can be a slightly dickish but wise guy in one season and then a total villain in the next one. He is amazing.


Not to mention it was just nice to see Chevy Chase funny again.


Troy is by far the best. He has the least amount of lines and still the funniest. In another note, Shirley is the God damn worst. Can't stand her. She never evolved for me in the show. She sucks balls!


Pierce Hawthorne.



I actually apply that to Annie as well.

Aside from season four when she was written like she was a 12 year-old, Annie pretty much consistently kept her core humanity regardless of how cartoon-ish the show got at times.

I wish they had actually bothered to explore Annie's emotional depth to the level they did Jeff's, or hell, even Pierce's. But the flashes we got of her background really made me want to see more. And I'm disappointed that Dan bailed on even bothering to try by giving Annie so much as one episode to do that during season six (per the commentaries on Yahoo).


Aside from season four when she was written like she was a 12 year-old

Care to explain that? I don't remember any scene in which she acted particularly different compared to the other seasons.
