Enough is enough

I am a big fan of Ed oNeil and have followed the show so far, I consider myself quite liberal, but a Transgender 8 y.o. is just too much for me. And not even the character but that some parents can exploit their kid like that and Disney be part of it... I thought I was alone in this but look at all these comments:



It will upset you far less if you don't watch...


Did you read my post? I USED to watch it, no more. Also in the post I state that it is not the fact of watching a Transgender kid character, it is the fact that her parents are on it too, I respectfully disagree, so yes, I won't watch it anymore.


LOL, did you read your own post?

You said nothing that you used to watch it...you wrote that you've followed it so far.




i see your point. It's like trying to get your brother a role as a sideshow little person just because he is a little person....

Transgendered children who are years away from puberty are controversy waiting to happen.

Most Americans would support a message of not attacking or bullying them and allowing them to be whatever they want to be. But the controversy is how young is too young for responsible parents to encourage/support a transformation?

If your 5 year old daughter says she doesn't want to wear dresses, does this make her a Tom boy, or do you push her to discover if she really wants to be a boy, and start the transformation. It's very controversial among psychologists. 8 years old is too young for many psychologists to support actively doing this with your kid (as opposed to just letting them pick the hair and clothes they like at that age and not force them into a gender stereotype)

I think it's a bad move bringing in a child so young with this identity. It won't send the right message and will make the show look too self righteous and self indulgent.


Thanks for your eloquence. Couldn't have said it better myself, but in a nutshell: Leave the kids alone, let them be kids.


Leave the kids alone, let them be kids.

that´s a tad hypocritical by you isn´t it?
I mean you had no problem watching the children displayed as children of standard families, of patchwork families or homosexual families. But now it is because this kid identifies himself as transgender?

...but they hung him anyway.
Hanged, Ami. Your father was not a tapestry.


Difference is the kid has no control over any of those situations you just mentioned. Those are the parents putting them in that situation.
Kids at that age should never be labeled as gay, straight and definitely not transgender. They are just kids, they don't know anything at that age. It's definitely the parents pushing this on them. Maybe they think they are helping or maybe it's their own issues they have with the opposite sex, but most likely without any "help" from a parent, it will just be a phase.


^ That. I am totally fine with letting boys trying out being girls and girls trying out being boys. It is just sad when children have to assume fixed gender roles to do that, and transgender is a label and a fixed role. The point of childhood should be that things don't matter and that they get encouraged to be open and find out their character. If boys would have allowed themselfs to explore their girlish side, maybe grown-up men would not piss their pants in fear if a gay guy hits on them and instead be able to simply say "been there, not interested".

What if that 8 year old at some point wants to go back and the parents lose their novelty child and all the attention they get? There is an unhealthy pressure to stay that way.


I understand they want to be groundbreaking but I fear it's for ratings :/ The key word is exploit here.


First off, no parent is going to force an 8-year-old to be transgendered if he/she doesn't already show a strong inclination in that direction. Just because it is more acceptable to be transgendered today hardly makes it easy, let alone somehow "fashionable". This is the same nonsense as the gays wanting to "recruit" people.

I wasn't aware there WERE transgendered 8-year-olds, but if there are, there is no reason they can't appear on TV like everyone else. Maybe you don't want children to be made into a "freak show", but if this is not homophobia, then you should be equally outraged by "Toddlers and Tiaras" or "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo". This isn't a "reality" show, however, and if this kid grows up and decides he's a boy after all, it's not going to hurt him that he played a FICTIONAL transgendered characters on a single episode of a sitcom. In one misbegotten episode of the 80's TV sitcom "Different Strokes" the character "Dudley" actually got sexually molested by a pedophile, but the actor went on to have a far happier life than the three young leads on that show because it was just FICTION after all.

If this kid's parents get him on a "reality" show and really are exploiting him in a freak show manner, then you should be just as upset as you should be with "Toddlers and Tiaras", etc., but you're really overreacting here. A kid cross-dressing either as a phase OR as part of a permanent gender identity is not going to do much damage UNLESS an ignorant society insists on pouring their irrational prejudice and hatred on him.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


The second I heard "a kid" I instantly thought, it's more along the lines of a confused kid, and crap parents being unable to say 'no'

A boy comes up to you asking to wear a dress, you say no and he moves on. You say yes but then go even further he'll end up getting his dong chopped off.

It's not being progressive, it's being stupid.


I wouldn't allow my young child to gender swap
If they still feel that way as a teenager, I would accept it and help them the best I can.


It is a real occurrence in the real world. I think it's good-maybe it will help other kids in the same situation. The Pitts/Jolie are accepting of Shiloh being transgender-hopefully it will open up some closed minds and bring more acceptance all around. People are still people with feelings, this bullying must stop.

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I don't think Brad Pitt was very comfortable with it.


Transvestivism is a mental illness. Anyone who wants to be the other gender has mental, psychological and emotional problems which should be addressed by a mental health specialist.

An eight year old transexual? WTF is that? I take it that the child is a female who "identifies" as a male. You do not "identify" as a gender, you are that gender from conception by virtue of chromosomes. Cannot be changed or altered in any way.

What is going to happen when this so called "trans-boy" turns 12-13 years old and starts growing breasts and hips and has a period? Are the parents going to give their 13 year old daughter (or son, not) a hysterectomy, and then cut off the breasts and give her (or him) hormones to grow body hair? Really? That's INSANE, and the parents are mentally sicker than the child.

People, there is no such thing as this. It is a mental issue which the child should be able to outgrow. To perpetuate a lie and a fantasy is abuse to the child. Any doctors who changes and alters a body to conform to another shape are butchers and charlatans, who violate the Hippocratic Oath of first do no harm.

How absolutely sick and disgusting we are as a society will this is celebrated and worshipped. Any of these idiot parents who do this to their child are abusers.


Nope, your wrong, wrong, wrong.

You're saying transVESTISM, is an illness now? How can that be when it only involves clothing, and society's "acceptable" dress for each gender is just some $hit we made up anyway?


what is your reply to the comments made about what happens when puberty hits?

It is FAR from just putting a dress on a boy....it is child abuse.


No, I am right and this is a mental illness.

No parent should be dressing their children of the opposite sex and allowing that child to live in a fantasy. It is a simple as putting a dress on a boy, or cutting her hair and putting on boys clothes. It's a sickness which is being trotted out as "gender identity". There is no gender identity. Pull down your drawers and see what you have between your damn legs.

Men who wear makeup, a bra and panties who lurk in female bathrooms need to be committed to a psychiatric ward. Doctors who do sex change surgeries should be in prison and their license pulled, and have some real mental health professionals to treat this disorder so people can come out of the experience healthy individuals who are happy with their life instead of being miserable. These people are miserable.

Calling someone ignorant and not having a counter view means that I am right and you do not like it. Well, tough sh.t.


So only crazy people allow their children to believe in Santa, or the Easter bunny, or any unconfirmed yet widely accepted identity? That's a fantasy many children are allowed to indulge in. If your kid wants to be called Clark Kent because it makes him feel braver, would you humor him? It's not totally unhealthy to humor your children's ideas, AS LONG AS no changes are being made that can't be reversed. I see nothing wrong with letting a boy named Timmy pretend he's a girl and call himself Tina. Hell, most if us pretend we know everything when we are more confused than ever. To each his own, but thinking people who wish they were born a different gender should be locked away in a mental institution is and never will be justified or necessary.


By God you are ignorant.

