Enough is enough

I am a big fan of Ed oNeil and have followed the show so far, I consider myself quite liberal, but a Transgender 8 y.o. is just too much for me. And not even the character but that some parents can exploit their kid like that and Disney be part of it... I thought I was alone in this but look at all these comments:



From what I know about transgenderism, some children do take an active role in identifying as the opposite gender. They may not label themselves that but there have been public cases where a child wishes to be called by a boy name, dress like a boy, etc. I am not sure if I would be so quick to have my child labeled as such but unless you were in that situation I can see how it's difficult to know what you would actually do. Many of these children become extremely depressed and suicidal if they can't express themselves. I think its fine if your child dresses as the opposite sex etc and uses another name if they prefer it but I would shy away from any type of permanent treatments until they were old enough to truly be informed and be positive that was who they are and they wanted to take those steps.
