MovieChat Forums > Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010) Discussion > Your favorite scene throughout all of Sp...

Your favorite scene throughout all of Spartacus?

Mine would have to be Seppias death, barcas death and the scene where spartacus is speaking to varro in the pits where varro is trying to give him he mandrake root while spartacus is hallucinating.


Illithya killing Licinia.



Very difficult question. Show was full of incredible moments.

-When the camera cuts back and you see Ilithyia holding a knife as blood sprayed from Seppia throat, with Glaber lying under them by a blood-filled pool.

--Glaber taking a sword down the throat. (ha ha, sukka)

--The shot of Ilithyia crawling to Lucretia as she stood at the edge of the cliff.

--The camera panning up Laeta's body as she was being washed by slaves. Body was smokin'.

Many, many more. Just to many to mention.


Well I did cheer when Crixus and Naevia died.
Also was happy when Glabber got his.
For some reason one scene that stands out so much for me is when Kore and Ceasar tell Crassus his son raped her. I liked that he was moved to protect and defend Kore.

Superman & Wonder Woman


I liked that he was moved to protect and defend Kore
At least that's how it seemed at first. He had other plans for her.


How could no one mention Kill Them All? When Spartacus is launched from Crixus's shield up into the balcolny and then right after Crixus screaming KILL THEM ALL and you see the gladiators all charging at once in full fury.

This IS the penultimate scene of the entire season. It had me screaming YES! at the TV screen, because it's the singular moment you'd been waiting for all season. The buildup was perfect, even down to the last episode and the way it was structured in between scenes of Crixus and Spartacus fighting.

This is without a doubt my favorite scene. This is one of the best scenes I have ever witnessed in cinema history. And I watch a hell of a lot of TV and movies.

I was never so happy to see a bunch of people about to be slaughtered.

I let you know me... see me. I gave you a rare gift, but you didn't want it - Hannibal Lecter


Fate and circumstance have returned us to this moment


This show was so good I've just finished watching last night for what must be the 5th time .. but i have 3 favourite scenes of equal measure.

1) The flying Spartacus at the house of Batiatis. The massacare that followed was long awaited. That one image defines the hero Spartacus was/is in the show. Steven Deknight must have dreamnt about this one scene over and over again until shooting ... if not .. I would have ....

2) Andy Whitfield's "I ... am ... Spartacus" line in the arena.

3) The awesome speach on top of Mount Vesuvious before 4 of them climb down.


Before I go into my favorite scene, I just want to mention that may favorite single shot would have to be when Spartacus had jumped in the air from Crixus' shield with the sun setting in the background. That was a mindblowing shot that I wished I had framed on my wall.

As for my favorite scene, without a doubt, my favorite scene would have to be when Andy gives his speech at the end of "Kill Them All." This has to be considered the best scene of the series hands down. Here are the multiple reasons why.

Andy did a great job at emoting during that speech. You felt every word he said. And it really helped that Andy was blessed with a strong and resonant voice. The voice of Andy made the words all the more powerful. Another reason this scene was powerful is that this was the first time we saw Spartacus giving a speech to his brothers. By Season 2, Spartacus was giving a speech in every other episode so the speeches began to lose their luster. But in Season 1, witnessing a Spartacus speech for the first time felt truly epic.

For sentimental reasons, the scene is by far the most touching scene in the series. I was already in awe when I watched the scene for the first time, but the scene carries more emotional weight now than before. And the reason is because when you're watching Andy give the speech, you're witnessing his last moment as Spartacus. After the speech scene, you never get to see Andy again as Spartacus. This is why the scene carries even more emotional weight now than it did when I first watched it.

Spartacus is an all time great series. Therefore, there are a lot great scenes in the three seasons and prequel. But IMO, nothing can top Andy's speech at the end of "Kill Them All." Andy's emotional depth, his gifted voice, and physical presence made for a magnificent scene. And the fact that you're witnessing Andy's last moment as Spartacus just makes the scene even more powerful and heart-wrenching.


First kiss between Agron & Nasir
Full scene of Agron & Nasir making love


quote]First kiss between Agron & Nasir
Full scene of Agron & Nasir making love

It's funny, I don't even remember which episode that was! Their relationship developed so quickly.

Speaking of couples, Crixus teaching Naevia how to fight is still one of my most vivid cherished memories watching season two.

"You learn quickly"
"I have advantage... of being taught by a god"


Two scenes:

1. When Spartacus and Crixus each agree to honor the other's wish after their death fight. Crixus tells Spartacus that in another life they would have been brothers. This was a huge moment of character development for Crixus who for most of Season 1 absolutely despised Spartacus.

2. When Spartacus and Crassus meet face to face. While both consider each other mortal enemies, they still held high respect for each other.


Spartacus charging up the hill in Victory.

Almost covered head to toe in blood, bellowing with rage and eyes aflame with vengeance. Mesmerising imagery and the single defining moment for me of the series.

Small moves Ellie, small moves
