MovieChat Forums > The Middle (2009) Discussion > Poll: Who should Axl end up with?

Poll: Who should Axl end up with?

I realize these boards have an unusually high amount of Axl/Ashley lovers but I'd like to see where the consensus lies:

Weird Ashley-0
Devin- 1 (+)
Cassidy- 0
April- 0
Someone new- 0
No one- 0

And I'm not including Sean on here, because Axl has been pretty clear about being straight, as enjoyable as that episode was. So please choose someone else if that's your OTP.

A rose is just a rose.


Remember that Matthew McConahey (spelling) about past girlfriends? What if they did something like that? I'd love for him to end up with Lexie and go to work for the family business, maybe getting Mike in, too!


With Lexie!


Maybe there could be a fantasy sequence in which Axl frolics with all the ladies he has known and in the end gives a single rose to Weird Ashley.


Devin <3


Until recently I would have said Devin, but now I like the LEXIE pairing.




Thank God this board is going into Infinity, so I don't have to read insipid tripe like "who should Axl end up with?"


Thank God this board is going into Infinity, so I don't have to read insipid tripe like "who should Axl end up with?"

Well the title of the thread clearly stated what it was about so why did you bother clicking on it in the first place? Was it that important to you that you let those of us participating know that you're too good for "insipid tripe" like this? I never understood people who imply that threads they don't care for are wasting their time when they are wasting their own time by clicking on it.


Yes. Yes, it was.


How are you so *beep* negative on every post you make on these boards? It's honestly astonishing to me.

Axl's life is school/career, family, and romance. So it's only natural that the audience is curious about his love life; the show explores his love life every season. So how the hell do you manage to watch this show if you find every aspect of it so insipid.

A rose is just a rose.


Axl will probably wind up "dating" his right hand. ✋


Or his "sock"


Or his "sock"

What are you saying or implying? 



He drank Bookman's Kool-Aid months ago and is still tipsy on it.

Anyone who believes Bookman can't be very bright. And, this guy always comes off like a pompous ass.


And of course, they're all trying to delete our posts. Laughable. What are they afraid of?


What are they afraid of?

The Truth !


I didn't need Bookman to know about you. In fact Bookman made me mad (I saw red) when he got on me for mentioning that I knew who Rondo Hatton was when he was in the middle of his assault.

I got to know you on the subject of poop. Somebody started a thread about Sue maybe having a medical problem. Amy figured into it because she was concerned about Sue's health. Sue had said that she needed to poop all the time. Later I saw a thread with poop in the title; thinking it was the same thread or a related one, I posted some research I had done to identify the episode where Sue had said it. You were the OP and you got on me for posting in your thread - apparently it was about how you didn't like the show talking about poop. (That's surprising - I would have thought that everybody knows that "poop happens".)

So it was your thread. This is your board. We live in your world!

It's a yucky - flappy world!
It's a yucky - flappy world!
It's a yucky - flappy world,
It's a yucky, flappy world!


I got to know you on the subject of poop. Somebody started a thread about Sue maybe having a medical problem. Amy figured into it because she was concerned about Sue's health. Sue had said that she needed to poop all the time. Later I saw a thread with poop in the title; thinking it was the same thread or a related one, I posted some research I had done to identify the episode where Sue had said it. You were the OP and you got on me for posting in your thread - apparently it was about how you didn't like the show talking about poop.

I haven't the VAGUEST idea what you are talking about.

I am no one's sock. You have your head so far up Bookman's ass that you can see his tonsils.

And yes, you DO come off like a pompous ass.


I don't care if you are one of yuckyflappy's "socks" or not. You are the same thing.


You are the same thing.

And, you're STILL a pompous ass!


Poop? Wow. Now we're really sinking to a new low.

Yeah, I remember your comment about the Rondo awards, lmcsjb. And just because Bookman got on your case about it, you didn't have the BALLS to leave it up. You deleted it. Why? Did he make you afraid? He has no power here. If he did, would I still be posting? Come on.


He has no power here.

I can't begin to see the world the way you do.


I saw plenty of your antics before I ever heard of Bookman. And I believe Amy, that you followed her from board to board attacking her personally.

I have no idea if Bookman or Amy or you in all your manifestations are real but I prefer Amy and Bookman to you.


People like "Bookman" who harassed and belittled this so-called "Labbe" fellow is why message boards like these have died.

The legal eagles aren't worth the shaking of the wings of laziness for flight.

It was a simple investment for Amazon at the time. But things turned ugly as people got uglier.

Like chat rooms from yesteryear's, we can now look back on "Bookman" and his antics and so-called "socks" and thank him/her for all the Internet powerhouse conglomerates like Facebook.

After Amazon acquired IMDB, it was the ultimate jts moment.

Personally, I felt this was different as Amazon was supposed to be different.

I was wrong.

Their not.

They're just like Walmart.

And like Yahoo! buying JTS and turning it into WTF! and Newscorp buying MySpace and running it into the ground.


Bezo's handshake has become the deathshake of complacency in the 'era of Trump.

For IMDB imitators and all free message boards for the next 10 years...we all wish you good luck.

Because for now on out all that is left is sub par pretend soldiers like us to fend off real giants like Facebook.

To all our stolen voices,

...Thanks a lot Grace!


What a bunch of crap.

Edit: this reads best in the voice of the American with a British wife in the Waldorf Salad episode of Fawlty Towers. In fact it's his line.

Edit: this is some of the dialogue from Plan 9 from Outer Space. I was trying to draw attention to the voice and the speaking style of the character, but now that I look at the words, there is even more similarity:

"This is Eros, a space soldier from a planet of your galaxy. I fully realize our
language differences, however I also know you finally have perfected the
dictorobitary, or as you on Earth put it, the language computer. So you can now
understand that which I speak. Since the beginning of your time, we have been
far beyond your planet. It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we
developed eons of your years ago. Do you still believe it impossible we exist?
You didn't actually think you were the only inhabited planet in the universe?
How can any race be so stupid? ... "


You prefer Bookman to me? Haha! I AM Bookman, you fool. I've always been Bookman, right from the very beginning. All those private messages I sent you that you believed? LOL!

This has been a very interesting experiment in human nature, and you fell for it. I've been working on my Master's thesis for over a year about Gullibility and the "Crowd Mentality," and people like you have given me all the information I could possibly ever need.

All your stupidity about "poop" and "Yucky Flappy." Excuse me while I laugh outrageously. My word, you fell for it, hook, line and sinker! No matter what I put out there, no matter how outrageous, you believed it all. I made you support one "sock" of mine while hating another "sock" I'd created. I eagerly looked forward to your responses--and let's face it, you weren't the only gullible one on this board--but your responses I especially liked because they seemed so "sincere." Your bodybuilder comments were always good for a laugh! Not only have you shown yourself to be gullible and silly, but you're also a homophobe.

It's people like you who call for public lynchings and want a wall built to keep the "others" out. I don't know what you're like in real life, but I do hope you think things through and aren't as gullible as you've shown yourself to be here.

So, Grace thanks you. Bookman thanks you. Yokoflippi thanks you. Naterdawg thanks you. AmyJO (yes, I'm also Amy--the one you "feel sorry for") thanks you. KrazyKatgrl thanks you. Hide thanks you, and Hope (you forgot her) thanks you. There are at least six more who thank you! I only wish you were there with me when I defend my thesis.

Much luck in the future. And I hope you've learned from this revelation and the entire experience. From the tone of your posts, you sound like a very young person with limited experience in Life. Let this be a lesson to you!

Thanks for everything!



You prefer Bookman to me? Haha! I AM Bookman, you fool. I've always been Bookman, right from the very beginning. All those private messages I sent you that you believed? LOL!

Another lying typical post. You can never back up what you claim If you are Bookman, Krazykat, Amyjo, Grace and all these other then PROVE IT. Post the exact same message as them. You can't because you are lying.

Remember your Facebook fan page you created then deleted, Rod Labbe. Does this look familiar? The Facebook cover you used on your Facebook page is the same one you are using now as your profile picture.

You ROD LABBE are Yoko, yendor, Naterdawg & all the others.

This screenshot was taken after you changed the cats name from Gubbio.

But, I don't need to tell anyone that because everyone here already knows the truth. We've all seen you post repeatedly disgusting posts aimed at your own dead mother. Who in their own right mind spams a site saying their own mother has herpes? We all know you are not in your right mind and it seems your family knows too which is why they ignore you.

Let this be a lesson to you!

Your brain is going to explode because you are so full of yourself. You have no proof in what you say. Bookman has always said you dig your own grave with every post you make and everyone here witnesses that daily. You create sock accounts to talk to yourself which is so stupid and obvious it's funny.

No wonder only one of your sisters showed up when your mom died. She rather have missed her own funeral than be around you. Who can blame her? You hate people, you are pervert (WARNING about this one but things are scribbled out. Bookmans daughter found this not long after Bookman discovered who Rod Labbe was The Twitter account was closed not long after Bookman posted about it on here. So that tells you the owner behind the account read it and removed it), you hate families, Christians (your sister Judy is one) & you hate anyone who is happy.

But what is the funniest thing is you seem to think all of your crazy posts about your own family is going to be deleted when IMDB deletes these boards. They are not. Board reader is still going to be around. It's not going anywhere. All of your old accounts and posts are still there.

So anyone who searches for your mother's name is going to see your posts about her having herpes. One day one of your nieces or distant family members will Google your mother's name and will be hurt your stupidly. But of course you don't care because in your mind the only person who matters is you. This is why like most losers you still live in your mommy's home & hide behind it's four walls.

So continue to you hide on 17 Longwood Rd, drool over your Larry Scott pictures & pretend that you are famous on other boards.




This has been a very interesting experiment in human nature, and you fell for it.

Not really. I recently stated my theory that you came here to get IMDB users to write better victims for you, because a reviewer said the victims you wrote weren't very good.

During Bookman's assault, threads kept disappearing, and my "theory" was one of the things I tried to post. During that time I accused Bookman of being you.

Here's something I wrote up at that time and saved (English was my worst class):

Rod Labbe's Magnum Opus
"The Blue Message Board"

dramatis personae:

Yoko/Nater * - the tormentor
Gubbio - the loyal friend
Yendor - the professor
Amy - the victim
Bookman - the hero
Phyllot - the sycophant

* AKA Yokoflippin


This is some dialogue from Plan 9 from Outer Space. I thought yuckyflappy's revelation would sound best read in the voice and the speaking style of the character in the movie, but now that I look at the words, there is even more similarity:

"This is Eros, a space soldier from a planet of your galaxy. I fully realize our
language differences, however I also know you finally have perfected the
dictorobitary, or as you on Earth put it, the language computer. So you can now
understand that which I speak. Since the beginning of your time, we have been
far beyond your planet. It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we
developed eons of your years ago. Do you still believe it impossible we exist?
You didn't actually think you were the only inhabited planet in the universe?
How can any race be so stupid? ... "


You prefer Bookman to me? Haha! I AM Bookman, you fool. I've always been Bookman, right from the very beginning. All those private messages I sent you that you believed? LOL!

This has been a very interesting experiment in human nature, and you fell for it. I've been working on my Master's thesis for over a year about Gullibility and the "Crowd Mentality," and people like you have given me all the information I could possibly ever need. ...

This reads best in the voice of the alien leader in "Plan 9 from Outer Space"


Read it any way you can! All the more fodder for my thesis. Doncha just love how I go for the throat when I post as Jeannette_Mary? It's been a real challenge keeping all these identities separate from one another, and I must admit, KrazyKat and Bookman did blend together once in a while.

The only way for me to keep them separate was to maintain a low profile as Bookman and NEVER post about Labbe or anything that would be considered "naughty." Instead, I post through KrazyKat (now "Jeannette-Mary"), and she can get out all the vitriol about anybody and anything. The perfect arrangement.

And one of my most effective ways of posting is to bold!

This is my last semester at school, so my report has to be ready for defense this spring. So sorry the IMDB is closing down its message board, but I've got enough to write a book. Thanks, Imcsjb!

Now, I'll spend what time I have here pretending to be more people. Let's see, should I post as Jeannette_Mary again? Why not?😄



Read it any way you can!

That's what it's all about, isn't it?

I felt sorry for you when you were analyzing a post about your Mother's obituary point by point. I think that must have been painful, and I said so.


The thing is, I never did that. I NEVER posted my mother's obituary here. Gubbio posted it, and he is NOT me. I'd admit it now, if he was. During that time, I was actually laying low, and when I saw that link to my mother's obituary, I couldn't believe it. So, I posted a few nasty diatribes as Bookman and waited to see the responses. Didn't take long to have others join in with nasty remarks of their own.

If you wanted to "see through me," especially with regard to KrazyKatgrl (now "Jeannette Mary"), all you needed to do was check her profile. I created that account 8 months ago. Yet, magically, I know about stuff that happened here years ago. Bookman was the one with that Twitter image, not KrazyKat. Yet, now she has it. All the clues were right there in front of you--which, of course, was part of the plan. Some of you did pick up on it. Gubbio, for example. And Menotherapy (another person who is REAL, by the way. Or, to be more emphatic, real! But the majority were too eager to jump all over somebody and eagerly participated in the crowd mentality.

When I pretended to create a "blog" about Yokoflippi, nobody stopped me. Nobody said, "why are you doing this, Bookman?" Instead, you all went along with it. I created Phyllot to act as a junkyard dog, and never once did someone say or write to me, telling me to calm down and stop being so mean. Nope, nope, nope. Instead, you joined in. I saw and read all the posts. A lot of them made me laugh. It's like Pavlov's dog. Ring a bell, and he starts salivating. With you guys, it's "perceive the undesirable and kick them hard."

Wow. I've learned a lot from you about human nature. I wish I could say it's uplifting. But it just isn't.


Slight Correction: Gubbio posted something "Labbe" wrote on a grieving board, in relation to his mother's passing. It was not an obituary.

Anyone who Googled Labbe's name would have come upon it.

(You need a scorecard to tell who is who around here!)


Wow. I've learned a lot from you about human nature. I wish I could say it's uplifting. But it just isn't.

Finally, something upon which we can agree.

(I haven't learned anything uplifting about human nature from you, either)


... which, of course, was part of the plan.

Plan 9?


Ah, yes. Plan 9 deals with the resurrection of the dead. Long distance electrodes shot into the pineal and pituitary gland of the recently dead.

I'm glad you're FINALLY getting it, now.

(By the way, that movie is painful to sit through).



Oooo! I hope this cream works! I am all seriously itchy!

I hope Grace doesn't get her anti-fungal cream mixed up with her Bengay.

She'll probably turn into Bookman again and sing, "Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Fire!" 


I hope Grace doesn't get her anti-fungal cream mixed up with her Bengay.
She'll probably turn into Bookman again and sing, "Goodness Gracious! Great Balls of Fire!"

LOL! 😀😂😁👍👌👋👏


Wow. I've learned a lot from you about human nature. I wish I could say it's uplifting. But it just isn't.

Finally, something upon which we can agree.


What, you don't agree with Plan 9?!


You missed your calling. You're not a writer, you're an editor.


Sometimes, they're one and the same.



I only wish you were there with me when I defend my thesis.

Here's a picture of me and my friends:

Edit: We all fell for it!


I've seen that picture before. Not sure where, but it's familiar in a vague way.



