MovieChat Forums > Prometheus (2012) Discussion > Ridley Scott, you should be ashamed

Ridley Scott, you should be ashamed

I absolutely hated this movie. Nothing was good about it. There is no character development or explanation. The logic is flawed. Entire scenes are meaningless and do nothing to add to the story. Ie. The storm, totally pointless - or the captain wanting to have sex with the ship's owner, why? Any time there is supposed to be tension, the scene just jumps to the next. The woman's husband dies and she cries for idk 5 sec before we fade to white and jump into a new scene with her. A real movie focusing on real tension and real human emotion would have focused more on her and how she handled that pain in the moment.

It was depressing and annoying to once again see huge budgets making these piece of shit films.

Ridley Scott, you should be ashamed of yourself. This film is nothing in comparison to Alien. Such a wasted talent.


Totally disagree, myself and many people I know loved this movie, and many people on this forum if you read their posts; just like any movie it is not perfect and has some flaws but still a great movie.

''ashamed of yourself'' is kind of.... when a multi-billion dollar company will give you $130 million to do a movie then may be you can use such harsh words otherwise simply say you didn't like the movie.


Were you not aware of the various flaws I've pointed out?


The weird thing about this film was that it was pretty strongly panned at the time of release (for me personally the zombie goo stuff was a disaster) yet now - and yeah maybe just a few people on here - it seems to be getting defended or even praised!

I'm not even sure why - it's not like there aren't countless other sci-fi films people could be checking out other that this turkey...


No, the movie was never strongly or even panned during its release, exception made to a minority.


That's hot garbage.


Yes, what YOU say is hot garbage.


This movie was shit, and movies have gotten even shittier . Ridley, camron should not be givin huge budgets any more.


STFU....the only thing that has gotten shittier is your fat stomach and cynical age related attitude....


Hey! For 38 at 165lbs im not too bad! Lol but yes it is harder to keep a flat stomach!.

Age and fat aside , i dunno i wasn't really impressed with the Martian ether.

Should i not expect a movie that can stand with the likes of terminator 2 , or alien, blade runner? .

Prometheus to me was so so bad for me , like inception and interstellar by nolan . Just completely dissatisfied.

I enjoy your brash response! :)


It does stand up with those films. The difference is those films were forerunners of what was to come. They were the first the their kind.

The first Blade Runner was more know for it's special effects rather than it's story which was short and simple. The second film built on that and was just as much if not more enjoyable than the first. I thought Prometheus was an excellent prequel to Alien and I'm someone who is not a big fan of Damon Lindelof...

As for my brash response. Yeah I use the fat schtick with a lot of people here. Especially ones that I think are unfairly reviewing films today. It's just a guess of course. It pisses some off. At least you admitted it and took it in stride. 😂.....I can be a bit "arrogant" with my physique. I have the body of someone 20 years younger. Look very youthful also. Wish I could brag about my money and career situation as well. But I can't.... 😂


This is pathetic


No you are pathetic. Especially why you think this film is bad....


"I have the body of someone 20 years younger."

I dont think I'd be bragging about that in public.


Thank you Thought The Martian & Alien:Covenant were better


You should be ashamed that you are a moron...


How am I a moron?


Because this was actually a good film...


What was good about it?


Everything. They stayed true to the first 4 films and added a lot of backstory. The Character of David was excellently played by Michael Fassbinder. Alien Covenant was also excellent...


I love this film. Will be getting the blu-ray.
This film should really be considered a stand-alone film and not connected to the Alien universe.


>A real movie focusing on real tension and real human emotion would have focused more on her and how she handled that pain in the moment.

Which would have been boring.


Yah, for the freedom of the PersistentViewer. 🙄​


The Martian(2015) & Alien:Covenant(2017) are better
