MovieChat Forums > 4Freedom

4Freedom (148)


This review is epic Monsieur Spade is way better Please reboot! "The love story between Rick and Michonne..." Coffee cup, 02:10-02:20 A story about an ungrateful person Unfinished but somewhat entertaining. Very good. Sorry Liam, that was awful Not really about wilderness. View all posts >


It was nice to see Dan Stevens do something good. It's been a while since Legion, in which he was spectacular. Agreed. Not perfect, but not bad. This, uh, girl, was actually entertaining to watch. Nope, I was waiting for the double-cross as she left in the van. But I guess that means we learned something about Abigail and her father. I was hoping that the father vampire was another twist to make up for it. Oh well. Trailers are the worst part of going to the theatre. I just watched the first episode and I am finding, as usual, the writing to be lacking. Actors, cinematography, choreography, and stunts are just fine, but it seems to be the same as every other show these days--like it was written by someone who doesn't know how the world actually works and people actually behave. If you have to stop and say, "no, that's bullshit," more than three times in the first episode, it isn't a good sign. Starship Troopers, the movie, was satirical. The book however, was definitely not. Both were good in their own ways. Similarly, Fallout TV show tries to be funny, but the game was definitely not. The show dulls the edge of the game to almost pointlessness. Agreed. I think he did well in Shogun. He deserved a better death scene. :-( You should try playing them. They were some of the best games ever made, replayable. View all replies >