

I don't think I'll bother to even watch it. I learned long ago that memories from your childhood should stay memories with the magic you remember them with, but trying to go back and revisit things from your past never ends well. The restaurant you used to love will suck, the music you thought was cool will now be trite crap, and Indiana Jones will be a senile old fat that belongs in a nursing home.


Living everyday In nostalgia YES....but I like lots of music and tv shows from when i was younger. Sure some stuff like sesame street I wont revisit. But Star trek, star wars etc are always good to be. Even Lost in Space as campy as it was is still fun to watch, plus its reboot show is excellent.


I'm not too worried about Ford. He knows the physical demands that come with the role. If he is prepared to play Indy again then we should assume he is in shape, and up for the challenge. In a recent interview I saw he seems to be there mentally as well

Not every older person is a senile geriatric. I hope all fans give this new movie a chance. Chances are it will be better than the last one


Good shape for a 78+ year old not good shape for Indiana Jones type of adventure. This will be about 14 years after the last one.


Trouble is when a saw him being interviewed a few years ago he was probably closer to being a senile geriatric than Biden is today. He doesn't seem to have aged well after the Crystal Skull.



With the high standards set these days nearly every movie is a flop.


I'm skeptical this will see the theater. The world's gonna be even more streamy than it is now by the time this comes out, and the Disney Plus home sale model will be that much further along. They'll have all the kinks worked out. And the return of Indy will definitely pull in new subscribers.


Kathleen THE KAREN Kennedy will surely put this exclusively on Disney minus to hide it's failure.


I certainly hope not but I'll see it anyway.
