Well....saw the film...it was....

Pretty damn good. The best Indy Film??? Nope. But I didn't expect it to me. Definitely better than 4. Probably right there with two except it didn't have all the goofiness that 2 had. Some great scene, At the begining with Indy in New York. Loved that they brought Sallah back. Yes it's just a cameo but it was a well done cameo and I'm glad that Sallah and his family now live near Indy. Marion only gets a cameo as well and it's very meaningful to Indy story. I would have liked to see Sallah come on the adventure but having two 70 year old characters in that type of adventure would have been too much. Plus John Rys Davies, doesn't seem to move as well as Harrison Ford.
Ford Still looks great as Indy. Yes older but not bad for a 78/79 year old playing 70...overall I would definitely give the film at least a B+. We shall see how I feel in my second viewing.

The stunts were more believable than in the last film and the CGI not nearly as noticable. Oh the younger 45 year old Indy during the first 20 minutes???..near perfection. So those complaints completely unfounded....


How can you be taken seriously if you're gonna say this is on par with Temple of Doom


Temple of Dooms cringiness with Willie and her whining and some moments with the kid ruins much of the film for me. Plus some really implausible scenes like the minecart.. 😂 ...I like it but it's not all that great. The biggest thing it has going for it is it's nostalgia. Which it has in spades. I saw it as a kid and it brings back lots of memories. But it's probably the goofiest out of all the Indiana Jones films. So putting my nostalgia aside I can see it's flaws better.


Ok, but surely it was better than this one


It I was to go with enjoyment level I would say they are on par with each other. Just different tones overall. It's the same with Star Wars. Most people say ESB is the best. I love it but I like ROTS more and I saw every film on release. I don't go with my nostalgia feelings..


Ok, you're weird


No you are. You like things based on nostalgia. You bitch about stupid shit.


Like I said, you're weird


You are the weirdest person here Millsey. 😂


Thank you


It I was to go with enjoyment level I would say they are on par with each other. Just different tones overall. It's the same with Star Wars. Most people say ESB is the best. I love it but I like ROTS more and I saw every film on release. I don't go with my nostalgia feelings..

Whoa... You like a prequel film better than an OT film? You are weird.

I wasn't old enough to see the original Star Wars movies in the theatres, but I did see all prequel films on release. I thought the prequels got incrementally worse, myself - from mediocre to really bad, to slightly more really bad. The story telling was much better in the OT - much more economical. No one watched the OT to get their fix for political intrigue, no one asked for that in the prequels either, and what we got in that department was pretty weak sauce. George should have stuck to the formula.

Also, there's nothing weird about liking things for nostalgia. In fact, it's downright anomalous for someone to not allow themselves to like anything for nostalgic reasons. So yes, you are weird. But you're in good company.


Well if that makes me weird so be it. I do not let nostalgia sway me in how I feel about a movie. I was 12 years old when I saw ROTJ. Sure i have great memories of that spring and summer. ROTJ stuff was plastered everywhere. As a kid your life revolved. around event films back than.
But when I walked out of the theater I was so disappointed. The film was extremely silly with the Ewoks. I could not believe that these little teddy bears were taking down armed soldiers with rocks and sticks. It was just so bad. Everyone will say yeah but what about the death star battle??? I say what about it??? The film is still probably the worst Star Wars for me out of the first 6 films. It's the last one I will grab for a rewatch... 😂


After the disappointment that was Force Awakens, I had the notion that "maybe the prequels weren't that bad after all". So I sat down to watch them, but nope - still unwatchable 🙄


Wasn't as bad as expected. But then my expectations were rock bottom.

Definitely in the top 5.

But not in the top 3.


'Wasn't as bad as expected. But then my expectations were rock bottom.'

That made me laugh.


I like the movie too. In any case much better than 4. It is not the best movie of the series but still a good one.
