Well....saw the film...it was....

Pretty damn good. The best Indy Film??? Nope. But I didn't expect it to me. Definitely better than 4. Probably right there with two except it didn't have all the goofiness that 2 had. Some great scene, At the begining with Indy in New York. Loved that they brought Sallah back. Yes it's just a cameo but it was a well done cameo and I'm glad that Sallah and his family now live near Indy. Marion only gets a cameo as well and it's very meaningful to Indy story. I would have liked to see Sallah come on the adventure but having two 70 year old characters in that type of adventure would have been too much. Plus John Rys Davies, doesn't seem to move as well as Harrison Ford.
Ford Still looks great as Indy. Yes older but not bad for a 78/79 year old playing 70...overall I would definitely give the film at least a B+. We shall see how I feel in my second viewing.

The stunts were more believable than in the last film and the CGI not nearly as noticable. Oh the younger 45 year old Indy during the first 20 minutes???..near perfection. So those complaints completely unfounded....


I'll probably watch it when a decent resolution stream is available for me to steal.


Why steal? It will be on Disney plus. In 4k dolbyvision.

You probably have a friend with D+ willing to share :D


I might have a friend with it, but it's more fun to steal it.


And not giving the satisfaction of +1 viewer to Disney?

Ok, I concur :D


Yep. I'm actually doing them a favor. I mean, I doubt they want my deplorable, racist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic money anyway..


Fully agree!!!


Agreed. It's a good film and a great new Indy adventure. The hate for it is mostly hate for Disney, which I can totally understand. The Disney brand has been severely damaged by the Star Wars sequel trilogy debacle and their incredibly dumb political meddling.


Agreed. Doesn't matter how good the film is, a lot of people have turned on Lucafilm because of Kathleen Kennedy. Nothing they make will turn a profit until she's gone.



I loathe Disney at this point but this film was good. If I did not belong to the unlimited membership at my local theater I would not have spent money out of pocket on this based only on it being a Disney product.


I haven't seen the film yet. How would you rate this compared to Crystal Skull?


I would say it much better than KOTCS. Some people bitched that the de-aged Indy would look really bad....IT DID NOT. Harrison still did a few of his own stunts. I don't want to say which parts until you watch it. Indy was still pretty physical in the film but they also showed his age and he's not as spry ...it was a nice sendoff to the character. I like all the Indy films. I would personally put this with TOD. TOD of course has a lot of nostalgic moments due to its age and of course Indy was younger. But this film was still
Very enjoyable for me and I enjoyed the slower paced parts. Those bitching and especially those who are bitching and didn't see the film. They have no taste and can just STFU..... 😂...


Well that's refreshing to hear. Personally I thought KOTCS was pretty bad. I just re-watched the original trilogy and thought they all hold up really well. TOD was really fun with the miniatures and practical effects. I hope they went this way for most of the film instead of CGI. Not going to see it in the theater, but will rent it.


I do not totally dislike KOTCS. There are plenty of moments to like I loved the opening (fridge scene didn't bother me as much as others) The school chase scene was well done as well. Both classic Indy stuff. A few good ending fights etc. But yeah probably least fav Indy....

I think you just have to watch it realizing that it's not gonna be like the other films when it concerns the action. Hes 70 and I would not expect it. Just go into it with an open mind and realize there will be more character (talky) moments than the other films. Which I actually enjoy. But there are also some very well done action scenes. I won't say anymore though.... 😂


Yeah I hear ya. There are pieces of KOTCS that are well done. IMO up until they go to the Amazon, except for the fridge scene, the film isn't bad, but then it falls off a cliff.

I don't expect him, being 70 let alone the actor 115, to be doing a lot of action. I am just hoping it is a fun adventure film where they don't turn him into an idiot because he is old.


Well I know a lot of people say that Helena treated him like he was stupid. At least no more than Marion, Short Round and Willie did. But( not trying to ruin it for you) she was a bit of an asshole to him and there is a reason for that. Anyhow I didn't expect perfection but it's definitely better than KOTCS.....


Sounds good. Thanks for the insight! I'm looking more forward to watching it now.


Cool. Just don't expect the next best thing.... 😉


Haha my expectations are still quite tame.


Went and saw it yesterday at a small theater for a $4 matinee. I thought it was much better than Crystal Skull.

I felt it needed to be 20 or 30 minutes shorter and cut down on the lengthy CGI filled action sequences.
During those exceptionally long chase scenes the film just drags. Indy was certainly not overshadowed by Helena and I liked her character for the most part as she had growth which was surprising since her character appears to be one of the biggest complaints about the film.

I stepped out for a popcorn refill at one point, but was it ever explained how the head Nazi's face was not decapitated after getting hit on the train?


I don't think it was. The print that was shown at my theater was kinda dark in that scene. I have seen clips on YouTube and they are much brighter and sharper. I also left the film for a minute or two to take a piss... 😂


It's unexplained. Seems like his skull should have been obliterated by that impact, but whatever.


Supposedly Indiana Jones was born in 1899 so he would have been 70 during the events in the movie. Harrison Ford was 80 though and he looked pretty good for someone that age.


He was actually 78 during most of the filming and than turned 79 towards the end. But yeah he looked good.


It is better than Crystal Skull.


While I don't doubt that's true, it's also a pretty low bar to clear.


If you're in search of a guaranteed bad take, look no further than Galactus03.


You probably didn't see the film because you are too busy feeding your stomach .. 😂


Like I said, guaranteed bad takes.


Dude you didn't see the movie so just STFU...lmao


maul can be ignored. He flits from board to board insulting people, trying to get into arguments. He's not here to discuss film, he's hear to be angry.


Well to be fair I insult the insulters. I am not innocent.... 😂....just thought I put that out there. In fact haven't we scraped a couple times??... 😂


I ignore them. Small-minded people like him can't discuss something in a rational way, and they lash out with rage at anyone who disagrees with them. If someone can't have a discussion without resorting to name-calling or other insults, I'm not going to waste my time with them.


You sure you're even referring to the right person here? "Lashing out with rage" and not discussing things in a rational way? You're straight up talking out of your ass, and that's not an insult, it's just a fact.

Speaking of which, you probably shouldn't make multiple comments for the sole purpose of insulting someone if you're going to attempt to accuse someone else of the same thing. Massively hypocritical, not to mention cowardly as you can't even address me directly.

Feel free to explain how what I just said isn't rational. Cheers


I go from board to board providing sound arguments, which in turn get people like yourself all hot and bothered when they don't have a proper response.


I don't think you have a sound argument since you didn't see it...just saying...


I have seen it, through "alternate means", as I haven't paid for anything Disney since 2017. It's a slog to get through - overly long, boring chase sequences, clear lack of practical effects, lame villain, lame MacGuffin (aliens were worse though), and an insufferable Waller-Bridge. Uninteresting and mediocre, does not justify its existence. At least Crystal Skull was partially memorable in how bad it was.


Was it a clear stream or some virginal North Korean schoolboy shooting the screen with his camera type stream?


Quite clear actually, way better than what these things used to be.


I'll check tonight. A lot of times I get buffering even if the res is good. Maybe I need more friends in low places!!


Ah, well I should clarify that I'm not using a stream - it's downloaded.




It was a good film and you probably watched a shitty copy...oh and there were plenty of practical effects and Harrison of course can't do the heavy stunts anymore but he still did plenty for his age. The CGI De-aging was very good as well. You apparently have not watched the documentaries on this film.


I used to watch shitty 480p screeners of Oscar-nominated films, and that never got in the way of me properly gauging a movie - the version of Dial of Destiny I have is actually a couple steps above that in terms of clarity.

Anyway, I'll do you a favor and subject myself to another 2hr 30m of boredom when the official release comes out, and if my opinion magically changes you'll be the first to know.


Don't mind the obese OP. He's stuck in 2010 trolling shenanigans.


Being obese would make sense, considering the amount of insults about weight they throw out - classic projection.


2010??? I didn't start the obese Schtick till I got here.. 😂


Fair enough


For me, this is the worst Indy film.


I don't think it was at all. Without post major spoilers. What element made it the worst for you??


It wasn’t as exciting or entertaining as the previous ones. The story wasn’t as good or as memorable and the film felt too long.


Well don't forget he's older and the other movies are nostalgic for you. This one is brand new. It may be a source of nostalgia one day for someone younger. They may look on it fondly. I really enjoyed it. Sure Indy didn't have as many action scenes. (There was still a good bit ) but if they would have had him doing what he did in the first few films people would have been bitching about that as well...


What about Indy being suicidal at the end? wants to stay in the past, and annoying girl saves him by knocking him down


How is that suicidal?? Plus dude ....spoilers. I kept my stuff vague and mentioned two cameos.


Its definitely a solid indy film, think most peeps are programmed to hate due to kathleen Kennedy


It goes beyond that though. I can name two really good sequels to 80's hits...both I actually enjoyed more than the first films...
But you guessed it fans seem to hate them..
