Budget near 400m?? 😲


Disney really thought people wanted to see 80 year old Indy


And, who in hell did they think their audience was? I'm getting old and I don't want to watch heroes of younger days in geriatric form. Is there some perverse younger audience that likes to watch aged Indy or elderly Picard or any of these characters that are being, almost literally, wheeled out for another, belated "adventure"?


When a beloved character embraces their age in a movie and it becomes part of the central theme of the story then it can work (eg. Kirk and Star Trek II), but when they keep the action stuff up high it just becomes a bit laughable.

In Star Wars: The Force Awakens there is a scene where Han and Chewie are running away from an alien monster and I remember feeling how ridiculous it looked as Ford was clearly too old to be running like that. He looked very awkward and the framing of the scene was obviously trying to minimise the problem.


Him running in TFA looked worse maybe due to him breaking his leg on set so it may have been filmed shortly after he'd taken time off to recover, i noticed his similar 'trying not to put full weight on legs' running in BR2049


I don't think the problem was the 80 year old Indy.

I think the problem is they presented him as a lame and pathetic old man. He was not shown as a happy and stylish old man, not doing interesting researches, maybe for new adventures. He was shown as old and tired, waiting to die essentially.

The only purpose he serves in the movie is to show how lame he was compare to the new lead woman. It was all about elevating her.

His character was brought back to be abused and assassinated.

I think that is the failure of this movie.


Try watching the movie instead.


I don't see any sign here of the annoying people who bitch about perceived flaws in movies that have not watched. Me, I sat through the wasted time that is IJ&theDofD... and it is a model of mediocrity even aside from ancient Indy.


The poster I was replying to was talking up all the favourite BS complaints about "Disney" wanting to destroy Indy and how they made him a sad old man waiting and wanting death, and comparing him as lame relative to "the woman" and elevating her.,

It's complete and utter bollocks.


There was def abit if that going on, he seemed to be playing it more grouchy old man Harrison Ford than an older more upbeat Indiana Jones from previous films (obviously it was written that way but most likely had uncredited contributions from PWB and KK and Ford playing it how he foresaw Indy in his later years than Lucas/Spielberg who probably wernt involved much aside exec producer credits) ,

Had they made him more like previous films and maybe not killed off his son to suicidal depress him (Shia could've then camoe'd at the end with Marion) and paired him up with adult Short Round (which would've coincided with his comeback/oscar win) and some fun eye candy like Haylee Atwell as the goddaughter instead of PWB, and overall made it feel more of a big celebration of Indiana Jones we might be talking how DoD only mildly underperformed with 600-700m


Yeah, I bet if they made a 'cool Indy' movie instead of this, they would have done better.


It’s kind of surreal that Hayley Atwell played a nearly identical role in M:I-7. She’d been decent. Or Felicity Jones would have been better as well.


interestng point, she was a similar duplicitous character (there was even a car chase with Indy/Ethan) , but was serious eye candy (like the 80s Indiana Jones girls)

and Felicity Jones seems to appear in the OG concept art for Spielbergs Indy 5


"...serious eye candy..."???

Alison Doody, perhaps, but certainly NOT howling Kate Capshaw!


Indy isn't suicidal in Dial Of Destiny.

You must be getting confused with Raiders Of The Lost Ark when he's drowning his sorrows and is suicidal enough to say he wants to go and meet God with Belloq i.e. die and take Belloq with him. You remember, that time when Disney tried to destroy the character by showing him grieving inconsolably over a character they have just told the audience is dead. Back in 1981.


It will make it back on the reboot " Young Indy" 2027, set in Israel and will feature time travel, evil nazies & aliens.


If we had the KKK joining forces with the Nazis to harm blacks in America that would be a winning formula for the next Indiana Jones feature.


I posted this on another thread but I figure they'll wait a few years (5?) then reboot/prequelize the series with a 30 something Ford-alike in a new adventure set in the 1930s (or if Chris Pratt in the 1940s)
