MovieChat Forums > Atlas (2024) Discussion > What's with all the G-DAMN swear bombs?

What's with all the G-DAMN swear bombs?

I don't think writers actually realize how many Christians take offense and cringe when one of the commandments is broken overtly like that.


..exactly why they have trigger warnings for the Fallout vault dwellers:

strong sci-fi violence, action, bloody images and strong language

luckily curse-friendly JLO is catholic -the better, more modern christian- because the necessary goddamns add to the plot


I'm catholic/christian. Doesn't bother me. I swear all the time. I say pretty much every swear word except a certain c-word that is slang for a part of the female body between the legs. I have cut back on swearing over the years. To me it seems a little childish and immature to swear, but I usually swear if I get mad enough or if I fall back into who I was/what I was like in junior high and high school (every other word I was saying back in the day was the f-word). I'll also start swearing like crazy if I'm hanging out with my friends. Mainly because all of them heavily swear. But with as much swearing as I did and can do, I could fit perfectly in a Rob Zombie movie. I actually think I could outdo Rob Zombie if I wrote a screenplay/script for an R-rated movie. Also, I watch a lot of R-rated movies (well, I mainly watch a lot of movies that are either PG-13 or R-rated). Lots of cussing in R-rated movies. Plus I heavily quote Bad Boys 2, Scarface, and Pulp Fiction (mostly Samuel L. Jackson's stuff), and those three are R-rated movies with lots of f-bombs. I also listen to a lot of Rap music. Oh and when an R-rated movie is on basic cable, I refuse to watch it because all the f-bombs are edited out. I hate edited for TV. So I definitely won't watch a TV edit of Scarface. Oh and my favorite George Clooney movie/role is From Dusk Till Dawn. George Clooney is constantly swearing in that movie. I actually wish we could get more protagonists like him and go back to those days of Hollywood instead of what we get now for male protagonists where they can't swear or kill. Only villains can cuss and kill. So yeah. Swearing doesn't bother me, and I watch a lot of R-rated movies with tons of swearing. Atlas is only PG-13.


I swear too MotherFucker - lol
I just always cringe when I hear someone say G-Damn


i was shocked to learn that mormons don't watch R-rate movies, and their schools disallow it. this seems like it's still a thing 🤷‍♂️

anyway on top of that JLO has been saying goddamn for a looooong time way before atlas

she's a true christian
all the other old timers need to step aside in my opinion


She has to swear to prove she is an empowered, self-actualized woman.


Yep I think you're right there.


Ah so you're sexist. Women swearing has to be a woke agenda? How about grow a goddamn pair of goddamn balls you Christian sissy marry?


Fuck you, pussy.


step aside folks, this man means business


Maybe it has something to do with Hollywood and mainstream movies being anti-Christian in general and anti-Catholic in particular.

Anyone who watches movies even casually should have been able to see the pattern for decades.


in case you may have not noticed the marquee...this movie stars Jenny From The Block, cursing ain't no thing to her, it's a part of her street cred and New Yorican culture


LOL - I had to look up who is "Jenny From The Block"
Never seen it before.
It's J-Lo for those wondering too.


What country are you from?


Canada eh?
Jenny never made it big up here - at least when she was limited to the block.


ah, that explains it.


What, they didn't have enough F-bombs? It seems like ever since streaming came out, almost everyone is dropping F-bombs these days like it's an everyday word.


I don't mind F-bombs too much. It's used in many ways and sometimes good for the scene.
But GD has some substance behind it - packs more of a punch, and is more distasteful for me.


Well, there's a reason people used to be discouraged from swearing a lot in the adult world, and it wasn't necessarily due to morality ;) For you see, you use certain cuss words enough, they lose their power. If you store them away somewhere and only use them when necessary (and that does not include normal, daily annoyances), they pack a bigger punch.


GD has an 'offence to God' meaning to it.
That's why it's one of the 10 commandments.
And many Christians consider it committing a sin when spoken.
Doesn't matter if it's stored away or not.


Yeah, I can see why you'd think that. In fact, now that I think about it, this is the first movie in a long time to use a lot of those. Usually they drop the F-bombs and every other cuss word in the book on streaming. I guess J-Lo loves profaning God or something.


How about grow a goddamn pair of goddamn balls you Christian sissy marry?
