MovieChat Forums > Unfrosted (2024) Discussion > Should I Boycott This Due To Seinfeld's ...

Should I Boycott This Due To Seinfeld's Support For The IDF Slaughter Of Innocence People?

I'm not sure about this.

On one hand, it doesn't really look that funny anyway, so maybe no big deal.

On the other, I've been a huge (not literally) fan of Seinfeld for years and would normally have been all over this when it came out.

But now, since Jerry decided to remove any semblance of a neutral-ish US Jewish guy, not hugely into the Zionist question, and embarked on a personal tour endorsing the slaughtering rampage of the IDF, I feel I shouldn't be watching this.

Is there any moral way I can ignore the abhorrent behaviour of this man (to some degree a formal idol of mine) and just watch this for the comedy? Comedy, which, as said at the start, is probably going to be pretty poor anyway...



How do you think Israel should be handling the situation?
> Popular Palestinian Commentator, Jamil Ziyada, admits on Hamas TV that all they want is to kill Jews and destroy Israel. He explains that the Palestinians are Muslims who cannot coexist with Jews. He adds that the only solution is to fight the Jews and destroy Israel through wars. According to him, Palestinians instilling in their children the ambition to murder Jews as part of Palestinian culture.


How do you think Israel should be handling the situation?

Happy to answer that on the politics board if you would answer the question I actually posed here in the OP. Which was nothing to do with mud slinging "Israel good, Hamas really bad!"...


What question was that?


From more information, please re-read the OP.


Funny, you cannot phrase your question when asked, but you can whine and lie going on and on.


LOL - Seriously?

I'm not going to spoon feed you comprehension. Just reread the OP...


I think it is because your AI context does not go back that far. All you are programmed for is to be a troll, not to understand what you are even saying.


Do what you want, nobody cares


Seinfeld is right. But if you don't want to watch his Pop Tarts movie because you don't believe he has a right to support Israel's retaliation against the barbarians who attacked them, then make up your own mind and don't watch it. Don't ask random strangers on Movie Chat to do your thinking for you.


Rape and behead anyone today, OP?


Wrong thread buddy.

Go and find one on the politics board or there's even on on this movie page for some reason...

Take your deliberate Hamas / Palestinian people have no value conflation to one of them. Thanks πŸ‘.


You're not supporting the IDF or HAMAS by watching a dumb movie.

Get over the politics. It makes liberals, conservatives, and everyone else look douchey.


It's nothing to do with me supporting anyone or my politics.

The question was whether there was any way to watch this and just see it for the comedy, whilst ignoring the real world actions of the star, Jerry Seinfeld. Is it ethically possible to do so?

So far I haven't done so, with Seinfeld cementing himself as a figure of controversy since. And as per the OP, I didn't think it looked that funny anyway, which the reviews seem to have confirmed.

So it's probably no big loss. The bigger question probably becomes whether I'll be able to go back and watch Seinfeld again.


Go see it multiple times. ;-)


I don't know, what's your take on the The Darfur genocide in Sudan that's been going on way before this Genocide your talking about? Do you have any posts on that? Maybe there's different reasons that doesn't come up, I don't know. Maybe you just feel like fitting in and have no idea about the other Genocide. If you did bring that Genocide up on a Moviechat platform please show me where. Thank you foot.


I never mentioned any genocides. But nevertheless you're flogging a dead horse here pal.

If you want to talk politics, take it to the politics board πŸ‘.


You brought up Seinfelds stance on the genocide and if you should boycott this film because of it. So please explain how this topic belongs in a moviechat forum and not a political one? So practice what you preach and take this topic to the political board πŸ‘πŸ½


No. I said slaughter of innocent people. I never mentioned genocide.

And as I said previously, you're flogging a dead horse here. I have already made multiple responses to people who didn't want to discuss the ethical issue I raised but would rather talk straight politics. Just go and read some of them...

If you want to talk the politics per se of Israel's behaviour, post something on the politics board πŸ‘πŸΌ.


OK, now I got it, not genocide but slaughtered innocent people is where you draw the line. Once it crosses that it becomes political. I understand now. Makes sense.


Na, makes no difference - just don't like people putting words into my mouth.

Anyway, talking of sense, good luck to you with your genocidal topic over on the politics board. Should be fun. If I were you, I'd go with something like:-

"Why do people pull up Jewish comedians / actors for supporting Israel's genocide in Gaza yet say NOTHING about their favourite Sudanese comedians / actors stance on what's happening there? Anti-semitism? Or is it pure racism that they have no stake in the Sudanese entertainment industry?"

πŸ˜‚ Good luck with that πŸ‘πŸΌ


Sounds a bit racist to be only complaining what famous people think about certain innocent people dying/ and not really caring about certain darker skinned innocent people dying, just because a comedian isn't picking a side. But you keep doing you and bring that up on a movie forum chat room.
Keep running that race and those feet will be just like Davros.πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

Damn! I forgot sorry, innocent lives only matter when a comedian picks a side or not. 😭let me ask if I should boycott someone😭 I want to see what the masses say 😭


Sounds a bit racist to be only complaining what famous people think about certain innocent people dying/ and not really caring about certain darker skinned innocent people dying...

LOL, Exactly!

It's all racism!! But you missed that I'd already raised that very point, namely - It's because we have no stake in the Sudanese entertainment industry to get annoyed about their stars taking questionable positions...

That's the only discussion YOU could have raised to have relevance here. Because as I said, you're flogging a dead horse trying to raise a purely political question re other world conflicts here. That in itself has sweet fa to do with what I said.

So do tell me - just to prove YOUR non racist and non anti-semitic position - which Sudanese entertainers are you currently upset with?

Either you answer that here and have relevance to the OP, otherwise take your question / attempt at deflective propaganda off to the politics board where it belongs. Thanks πŸ‘πŸΌ.


Why would I tell you who I'm upset with in a non political board. Thank you for proving my point.
The bush is straight forward on this one yet you keep beating around it. Your topic was aking if you should boycott a comedian because of his stance, on a moviechat forum that is non political. Why? Your question needs to move stop telling other posters to move there's. πŸ‘πŸ½


LOL, I thought so...

You asked a question which was irrelevant to the OP, yet rather than take it elsewhere, as directed, kept harping on here.

I then attempted to frame your ridiculous point in a manner which at least fits in with the OP and you want nothing to do with it...

I'm glad you were able to show you comprehended my original question after all, so now I know you are well aware that your attempt to ask about other "genocides" had nothing to do with my original question re the ethics of watching tainted artists' works rather than politics per se.

As a very smarter poster than yourself said further up:-

I think most people see "Israel" and/or "Palestine" and immediately galvanise into a political discussion...

And that's basically you and your flawed attempt at deflective propaganda.

And of course, you must believe yourself to be very special. Because even although I've repeatedly told you you're flogging a dead horse as other posters already did EXACTLY the same thing as you weeks ago - and I directed you to read my responses to them if interested - you jump in with the same lack of reasoning and an unwillingness (/ arrogance?) to read the rest of the thread...

Anyway, I'm happy enough to believe anyone reading this can see the hypocritically racist outcome you've inadvertently arrived at here, so I have nothing further to add.

Good day to you Sir πŸ‘.


I’m going to see it solely based on his stance.
