Hipster horror

Yet another one of these. My explanation is that the horror genre, thanks to its fanbase, make it easy for young directors to get financing and be noticed. At least they put some style and talented actors in this one, but the only cool thing about is is that they opened with a song by Pentagram (though stuff gets decooled when hipsters find it). It is basically a low intensity extended Outer Limits episode with "we have no idea how to conclude it" ending. Besides the talent, it is also occasionally fun, which makes it worth watching, but it is far from what its IMDb rating would suggest. Forgettable.


I see some think that the horror genre should have it's own criteria for rating, as in "No it's not a great film but for a horror movie it is." Do you agree with that?


You could say the same for every other genre, but horror is the most prominent one with its own "specifics". With the years I learned what to expect from a given rating on IMDb, but these days they don't make sense to me. Either I'm getting old or it is about how they promote the movies and target certain groups. But it is not only IMDb. I see that Dread Central gave it 4/5 and BD 3.5/5. Of course, they have to twist their ratings to be in step with the times. And it maybe it deserves its rating, when compared to the other horror trash these days, but it surely is devalued in retrospective.


I'm not familiar with the sites you list. I know well enough to avoid Rotten Tomatoes and am about to look up Dread Central, but what is the other one?


Bloody Disgusting. It was the prime horror movies web site back in the day. Don't know what is the state of affairs today.


Gotchya thanks. I just saw Late Night With The Devil and I enjoyed it but agree that they didn't seem to know how to end it. They heard that we don't always like everything tied in a bow I guess, and instead to be left with some mystery to keep us thinking about it but their efforts in that regard were less than stellar. The first two acts were very nice- I enjoyed the retro 70's theme as it brought out some memories of Carson et al. Also we could have used maybe at least a second shooting location you know just to mix it up a little. I do hope they continue it as a series of films though.


Ah, "elevated horror," a term for people so uptight they don't want to admit they like horror movies.


The majority of horror flicks have a IMDb rating under 6 so this one at 7.5 must be great!


If you watch a 6 rated horror from 70s, chances are that you won't like it less, or maybe even like it more, than this 7.5 rated one. This is what I mean. Though the movies back then were mainly cheap exploitation and to the average movie enjoyer may not be obvious why they would be better than this new flashy and packed with good actors horror movie. Its rating is going to fall with the increasing numbers of vote.
