MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2018) Discussion > Why destroy most of the franchise canon?

Why destroy most of the franchise canon?

Who decided that all but the first Halloween movie (and the third, cos it's cool) no longer exist? Who do they think they are?


You can still watch them, right? Then they still exist. I’m sorry but this thread is stupid. “Who do they think they are?” Seriously? It’s your own decision whether you want for the Halloween sequels to have happened or not. Them making this movie didn’t erase the Halloween sequels from existence. This movie is simply an alternative, nothing else. If you don’t like the sequels but like this alternative then you can pretend the sequels didn’t happen. If you like the sequels and don’t like this alternative then you can pretend it doesn’t exist.


I know I can see the old Halloween stuff, like I can see Prime Star Trek without all that Abrams timeline crap from 2009 onwards. It's just the arrogance I was referring to.


You really just can't pretend sequels dont exist especially you know EVERY SINGLE ONE. This isnt the damn Godzilla Franchise


It's not like it's the first time they have done this with the series, seeing as H20 ignored everything after H2. There's at least three different time lines at this point.
