Really bad movie

Not at all what I was expecting. I thought we wuld get something like a ''life size'' with a white actress instead but dealing with more social issues and adjustment to the real world from Barbie land. Instead we got a colorful and heavily disjointed mess.

This was a bad script.

If there were political points in this they were lost amongst the chaos. Did you not notice how much this movie jumped around? this almost seemed like one of those really horrible 2000's movies iike ''Bewitched'' (2005) in terms of its directing style and disorder which oddly enough also featured Will Ferrell. At last the Bewitched remake had a cute romance. This had none of that. I can't get over the end of this ''Barbie'' film, was that supposed to be funny? the final conclusion **spoiler** was her going for a pap test and exam. What?


I felt exactly the same way. It was a total mess, and lacked a lot of humor for a comedy. It dragged on way to long trying to beat us over the head with a message that was poorly delivered. My wife and my mom hated it too, so not just me.


The interaction ''barbie'' had with the young teenage girl and her Mother was oddly minimal and without much impact. Barbie didn't get much of a chance to even learn about the world. I really thought this film was going to be about Barbie transported to our world and suffering culture shock and then trying to ''live'' as one of us, trying to get a real job etc.. I don't even know what this was. This didn't even address gender roles.. what that supposed to be the message? because it didn't deliver. It was a disaster.

I also noticed how she hopped to easily from barbie land all through the film and the real world. She should have been stuck in the real world and had to ''adjust''. Wouldn't that have been a better premise?


We assumed it was a fish out of water story. Honestly, I can't really tell you what the plot is. It's funny how most of the praise I see refers to the "message", yet it's heavily pushed as a comedy. I will admit, they've had brilliant marketing. This movie is destined to be on sale forever once it goes to video. Rewatchability is very low.


Is it Razzie-worthy?


The movie is a hit. Some random persons' opinions doesn't mean shit to the razzies 😂
