MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Anyone from the IMDb walking dead board ...

Anyone from the IMDb walking dead board here?

Or did they decide not to migrate


I'm from there, i used to read the board regularly but posted very few. I was active in GOT board.


I use to lurk over there. I never posted much. It was a fun board. Some of the trolls were funny, but eventually they got out of hand and became annoying.


In earlier seasons I would post there when show was not on hiatus. I would still drop in there every now and then but the whiny self righteous types were really annoying. That fat neck beard kid that fancied himself a white knight for example.


I am, although I rarely ever post. I'm glad people are finding this place; the discussions are 90% of the reason I used to frequent IMDB.


Yup...Posted there and all over IMDb..


Found this place from a post on reddit, I guess this will be my new home :)

I didn't post much on IMDB but it was my go to place after most movies/TV shows for working out bits I didn't quite understand, or for reading trivia on something I'd really enjoyed watching etc.

I have just deleted my IMDB account, lets hope millions of others do too. I know it won't make any difference but since they did what they did I refuse to even click on an IMDB page.


I came from IMDB. Looking for more people to echo my own opinion that "The Walking Dead" fucking sucks.


