RIP Shiva!

I'm sooo upset that they killed Shiva. I know it happened in the comics, but I still don't think it needed to happen on the show too. That was so sad.

Good episode though! Too bad Ezekiel lost all his people. I guess he's going to be in a bad place for awhile.


Ezekiel is hollering about not being a king then Shiva shows up and saves his life again. Dude, if you have a tiger sidekick, you are a king in my book, lol. Of course he doesn't have a tiger now.


It fit in exactly with the comic book depiction of Shiva's death. But the lame-ass lack of gore with the current ban on extreme gore on the show made it seem very sad and useless.


There's a ban on extreme gore? Is it b/c of last season's premiere? That was pretty gory, but I watch lots of horror so it wasn't a big deal to me!
