MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > How could Lydia stand to remain ?

How could Lydia stand to remain ?

I don't know what else should can do, but her mother snuck into the Kingdom and she is a raging psycho, and she said nothing.

Hell, the Colonists ought to hang her on suspicion alone, or give her a cell next to Negan.

I would never trust Lydia. And after getting those people killed how can she stand to face the other colonists?

This is not written believably in remotely any way.


she did tell Ezekiel about it after her mom left


yeah, without seeming to understand what she did.
i think, the only place she can go now if back to her mother,
which means she has to perform some feat to impress her,
so will she kill people too.

This whole show is really sucking with all the moronic characters
doing moronic things. Maybe there's zombie chemicals in the water?


We should split up! Every 3-4 episodes they say this and everytime..


i was just saying that watching the last episode ...
it's like the first thing they say ... we should split up
NO!!! You idiots.

But actually none of them should have been out there
without armed guards ... they knew about the Whisperers
and just ignored them.


haha yeah, its either they split up or one- two characters go do something on their own, look for supplies or w/e and get captured. It's actually really easy to predict, but ah well the show got zombies and i like that, the zombies are just there now and no threat anymore though :( season 1 was awesome.


Yes they were already in the barn by the time her mom came into the theater. When we see Alpha in the barn, she is still relatively clean without a mask. This happened immediately after she confronted Lydia and left the kingdom.


If they didn't listen to Henry, and didn't take Lydia, everyone would still be alive, including Henry. LOL


Yup Henry's dick got everyone killed.


Henry's such a dumbass. There were plenty of tail both at the Kingdom and Hilltop to chase around, especially since he's the son of a King and Queen.


Lydia was not only the mysterious new girl, but she was in trouble and needed rescuing - and she's cute - how do you think a teenage boy is going to react to all that?

Besides, the conflict isn't over her. Once Alpha realized how many organized communities were right at her doorstep she was going to take some kind of action to deal with the threat. They've been on a collision course since the first time Hilltop was caught in their territory. Even if Lydia hadn't been captured, this is where things were going.
