MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part Two (2024) Discussion > Zendaya's acting is criminally bad

Zendaya's acting is criminally bad

All the other actors live up to the task, but Zendaya's acting is hammy af. When she's worried, angry and/or perplexed, she frowns. When she's happy, she cracks a smile. But that's not how acting works, you over-hyped twat!


It's not her acting that is the problem, it's the script.
They forced a bigger role on Chani than in the books.


I think a better actress would be able to live up to doing more scenes


I really liked her as MJ, the cocky style fits well. But she basically has the same MJ attitude here the whole movie. Before the movie I saw a trailer to her other new movie, where she plays another cocky girl. Looks like a system and I wouldn't call it necessarily acting.


Lousy actress.
Body like a 12 year old boy.

Basically she’s a shorter Gal Gadot.

Both totally worthless.


You calling anyone at all worthless is hilariously ironic. Body of a 12 year old boy is right up your alley.


None of what you said makes any sense.


Makes perfect sense. Not hard to understand.


Maybe in your head. But no one else’s.


It didn't make sense.


Bro, I'll explain it to you:

He called you a pedophile 😨




Why? Because I hate Zendaya?

Like I said, his babbling makes no sense.



agree 👍


Settle down angry little incel. Its just a movie


Why does thinking she has no talent make him an incel, incel?

And yes it’s a movie. A movie he paid money to see. So he has the right to be upset if the cast they hired isn’t fit to fill their roles.


LOL spoken like true loser.


The real losers are those who rely on insults when they can’t back up their viewpoint.

Which you obviously can’t.


so you call other people pedophiles and incels......due to what they think about movies and actors.

You know you are projecting your hate for yourself here right?
You are the one that is a pedophile and a incel. You are trying to keep it hidden, but can't.

This is sad stuff guys. A shame were have such a creep on moviechat. 😟


Based on what everyone's been saying, she was the weakest part of the film. The consensus was that everyone else in the cast did a decent job, but her? She was acting exactly the same as she was as MJ in those lame Spider-man films that came out last decade. It means she can't actually act beyond doing her lines, and she's a one-trick pony, similar to Mila Kunis. Only reason she gets acting jobs at all is because she has friends in the 'biz that are powerful enough to speak on her behalf, as well as being popular on social media like Rachel Zegler.

From what I've heard, they rewrote her character in a way that seems the opposite of what Chani was like in the books. Chani had dreams about Paul too, and she fell in love very quickly after they met. She never questioned his role as Mua'dib, and she supported him all the way in his prophesied role. She was also a Sayyadina, a warrior priestess who was trained similarly to the Bene Gesserits, but not an official member of their sisterhood. Being the daughter of Liet Kynes also meant she was being groomed to be a leader among her people, and she had to take over that job for a short time before Paul and Jessica showed up. Believe it or not, she was supposed to be destined to become the Fremen's version of a Reverend Mother, but that role was taken from her because Lady Jessica was chosen instead. I have no doubt Chani would have been relieved because she already had a lot of responsibilities on her plate, and becoming a proper high priestess would have made it impossible for her to be able to continue fighting and serving her tribe in a religious manner.

The trouble is, Hollywood is now full of people who love to doubt stuff like that, don't understand the concept of heterosexual love anymore, and the concept of women supporting the men they love is now not only seen as gross and unthinkable to them, that they don't know what to do with such a story except to rewrite it in their own, twisted, disgusting image.


The character of Chani was destroyed by Villeneuve even before Zendaya stepped in with her "acting" I'm afraid.


Using Zendaya at all was a bad idea. Putting her in there obviously failed to bring in the younger crowd, and frankly, most viewers don't like her at all.




She’s the weakest part of every film. No body. No looks. No talent.


Your description of Chani sounds a lot more interesting than the watered-down clichéd character we have in the movie.


She was fine. Sean Young was also kind of useless in the 84 film because the script didn't really have much for her either.

1984 film:
She stands and looks at paul, they kiss, she stands behind Paul, she fires a gun.

2024 film:
She looks at Paul, she calls the prophecy bunk, she frowns.

40 years and the Character (not the actor) is lame due to the script.

The weakest link: nearly everyone under 30 years of age. They're bland. This is why I give it a 4.5/5.


You forgot the two Sci-fi channel miniseries' though honestly, you weren't missing much. She was not very pretty in those, but she did play the character accurately.


I never watched them.


You should. They don't have as big of a budget as the movies, but they provide more insight into the world of Dune and allow time for the stuff the movies can't fit in.


Thanks for the recommendation
I think people are noticing something is off with the movie. I don't mind Zendaya, Chalmette, or Pughn. They're just not as good as the older cast.

That's all. The movies are pretty good for those who never saw earlier productions or read the books. We had this with tbe Lord of the Rings too. Passionate fans didn't care for the change in time of events for the film. Some really complained. But the movies got casual viewers to read the stories. I think Dune is going to do the same.


She looked awesome. Both badass and sultry. But when she spoke she sounded like a little kid.


it wasn't great, she is the same in spider-twink


Eh, I thought her acting was serviceable, problem I had was she looked about 12 years old and I couldn't take her seriously as a love interest or badass warrior. Wonderful movie though.
