MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part Two (2024) Discussion > I walked out. I just don’t get it.

I walked out. I just don’t get it.

I’m not trying to be an asshole at all. I love sci fi and I consider myself a major nerd (in a good way). But I just don’t get these movies. I fell asleep in the theater during the first. My wife and my son too.

But I retained the gist of the information and was excited about part 2 due to the rave reviews. So we bought tickets and expected to enjoy it. But about 2/3 into the movie we looked at each other and said let’s just go. I’ve only walked out of a handful of very bad movies in my life.

I’m sorry yall but this was the most boring thing I’ve ever seen. What am I missing? Is it because I’m not a fan of the books? I’ve never read them.


You're not alone. People in my theater fell asleep.


This is a movie I might watch when it’s available on streaming, so I could pause, rewind, and /or stop to make sure I get the details


If you're gonna walk out you should do it sooner rather than later so you can get a refund. What a waste of money. Could've spent that on pleasuring your wife instead.


I watched the 84' Dune, and then watched these. I must say, I don't see the interest. I don't need sci-fi action to enjoy sci-fi. Just a good story is all I ask, but this story is just boring. At least with these new versions I did enjoy the visuals. I just don't see how the books were so good that someone thought they'd make a great movie. A story they clearly thought was so good that someone decided to do it again.


Suuuuuure. Totally 100% believable that your WHOLE family fell aspleep and what is more believable is that even after that you went to see the 2nd part of a movie that you didnt watch... because as you said, you fell asleep.


I think while the script was good enough, and hit a lot of themes that it needed to hit, and was enjoyable enough to me, it was maybe also a bit jumbled, trying to hit all those points and not run out of time, and then still missed hitting some of the themes as much as it should have.

some things that are lacking if I think about it:
- the importance of spice: what spice is, what it does, where it comes from, why it's so important (maybe this was in part 1? but IIRC that really should have been expanded on in part 2. where were the navigators?)

- Paul saying how he can see the future after the water of life is good, but I would have liked it to be more significant than it was. he just kind of casually says he can see clearer now, and can find the "narrow path". ok mentioning that is good, but it should be more than just that. he can literally see fourth/fifth dimensionally: a landscape of possibilities, with so many options leading toward holy war and only a few or even one avoiding it. and the fight with Feyd being a nexus point, causing time blindness to him as well as all other spice users because of the importance and uncertainty of that moment.

- Jessica knowing beforehand about inheriting memories; I thought that she only learned this in the process. and then, the actual effects of this are only mentioned casually without really going into the details of what it means.

some of these it seems like it's enough for a reader of the books to have the concepts triggered in their memory, but I don't know how well the ideas are actually conveyed to those who are new to the story.


The visuals are pretty, but it is a bit boring at times


I saw both - not bad, tbh.
I still think the Lynch version was better, even if stuff was cut - the actors, the inner voices, the imagery were better - but this one is actually not bad at all, especially when you take into consideration the dei/sge BS that has taken over hollywood.
