MovieChat Forums > Melancholia (2011) Discussion > Your perception of this film and your em...

Your perception of this film and your emotional/mental predisposition

It seems that a lot of people who think highly of this film are themselves predisposed to being melancholic, and it would be interesting to see if this is indeed the case. So, two questions:

1. Do you hold this film in high regard?

2. Do you consider yourself to be prone to melancholy? (not 'depression', but a feeling of introspective existential emptiness, even if your experience is perfectly harmless and unproblematic, as I'm sure it will be for most)

Be honest! This isn't a way of juding people, just a study in the intersts of undestanding the polarising reactions to this film :)


1. Yes, very high regard. Thought it was only OK at first but it stuck in the brain, nagging away, so I watched it again and realised it was brilliant. The second viewing made all the difference.

2. Nope, not at all. I have bad moments (especially during interminable meetings in the office, ha!) but I have been fortunate enough in life not to have suffered with depression. Fate may spin the wheel tomorrow and everything changes, of course. But that's not your question.

What is interesting though is that I am drawn to 'end of the world' style stories.


1- no, it's the most disgusting piece of trash in history.
2- yes, very much.


1. So far! But I'm only 45 minutes into it and may revise that later.

2. No, I tend to be quite upbeat!

EDIT: Finished it, think it was outstanding, gave it a 9. Bit strange to make such a love letter to depression, but a beautifully done study.

Please only click "Reply" on my post if you are replying to what I said in my post.


I do hold this film in high regard. I absolutely love it.

I do relate to both Justine and Claire to some extent. I've been depressed (Justine) and anxious (Claire), but not on the same continuum as these two characters. My experiences have been more sparsely episodic while theirs are obviously chronic.

One thing I do get is that it's easier for less positive folks to deal with bad news, as their expectations are low. Justine mostly welcomed Melancholia. The only thing that broke her love affair with the giant planet was her love for her nephew.

Justine handles the whole event with much more calm and rationality than Claire. She becomes the mother Claire is too distraught to be.

The biggest thing I took away from this film, whether it was intentional or not, is that we often spend more time worrying about an event than the duration of the event, itself.

"Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family."


Yes and Yes.


the march of the "normal" people.

the white, upper- class standards of culture that our media & advertisings tells us we should aspire to.

the kind of people who think sinking thousands of dollars into a wedding & reception ceremony will somehow make the marriage happier, the love truer and the people better.
And this reception, the kind that the wedding magazines and TV shows tell you is "a dream come true" "super fabulous" is in reality: overblown, formalized, shallow & devoid of any soul.. and surprisingly no one is really have any fun.
And all these white, respectable, beautiful and perfectly normal people end up being shallow, superficial, immature and unable to handle any thing deeper than a teaspoon.
The wedding planner who thinks it's HIS wedding, the parents who use the speech opportunity to make it about themselves, the sister who seems more concerned about keeping a timetable.... My favorite was the white, respectable, beautiful and perfectly normal husband who leaves when he doesn't get sex right away.

And when the white, respectable, beautiful and perfectly normal bride slips into a depression, do they seek professional mental help? No. Throw money at it. a dream home will fix everything. the dream home we are all supposed to want.

of course when the *beep* goes down.... these white, respectable, beautiful and perfectly normal people cannot handle things whatsoever; they flake, cop out, deny reality, and generally lose their *beep*

I couldn't wait for the stupid planet to blow up.


let me ask you this..

If you watched the old Christmas special movie "It's a wonderful life"
does that imply most viewers are prone to wanting to slit their wrists ?

Titanic ? prone to having a fetish for Ice Bergs ?

Rambo ?
Prone to going on killing sprees like serial killer ?

Go check out the movie Jailbait (2013)
You think most viewers are older women or younger males ? lol

it's all bs assumptions and stereo types.
but within reason it's just common sense too..
I would rather watch Metalocalypse than Little House On the Prairie.

"Studying" common sense ? mmm k then lol


Let me ask you this...
where there any people of color in Melancholia?
where you upset that an Indian-American was crowned MIss America instead of the "Real American" blond - haired blue -eyed chick?
are you ever upset when when a POC sings the national anthem at a sports game?
Do you assume anything with brown skin is "exotic"& "foreign" instead of being "All American" & "normal"?
do you know of anyone who DOES get upset at these sort of things?

you picked out 3 movies.... but there are hundreds every year.... plus all the tv shows, magazines, advertisements, billboards, news media.... that represent the standards of White culture as "normal" and POC are virtually non-existent.


1. Not high regard, but medium-to-medium-high regard.

2. Yes, definitely.
