MovieChat Forums > Captain Phillips (2013) Discussion > Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to k...

Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to kill, to save one innocent life?

Just had this thought, because I myself didn't flinch at 3 unsavoury dudes being shot to save an American captain/husband/dad. But surely there must be a limit - can we snipe away 10 of them? A hundred? Thousands?

Does a $10 million demand and a threat of a murder automatically render a civilian open to undisputed execution by the army?


Since you are too ignorant to even grasp that this was the Navy, not the Army.... I won't bother trying to explain how one innocent life of a hostage is worth more than an infinite amount of criminals willing to take a life for profit.

As soon as you threaten the life of another in the course of a criminal activity... your life is forfeit.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


As many as it takes to get the job done. For every piece of *beep* that is removed from the gene pool the world is a much better place.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


As many as it takes to get the job done. For every piece of *beep* that is removed from the gene pool the world is a much better place.

I'd rather they do it themselves and I'll personally put them in for a Darwin award, but sometimes we just have to take action ourselves.

Love your signature...
check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please

They can navigate the web to find a site such as IMDB, they sign up for an account, find their way to the message boards, learn how to navigate the threads and post their questions.

But somehow they still cannot figure out that no matter what film's message board they are in, they are only two clicks away from looking at the cast list!

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Thank you, thank you very much.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


well I've never seen any questions like that in imdb!even if someone does it's so rare that there is no need to dedicate your signature to it.


So let's all murder as many Americans as possible, because your fascist gene pool is the greatest evil in the world. Will you start by blowing your tiny brains out?


Please educate yourself, you ignorant fück.

Damned ISIS idiots.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


ISIS only wish they could murder and maim as many people as the US does on a regular basis. You'll happily murder half a million Iraqi kids without breaking a sweat like the scumbag fascists that you are.


I wouldn't murder a single kid you stupid piece of sh!t.
Nor would any other US military serviceman.

You are talking out your ass about what you dont have a damned clue anout.
Now get lost troll.

You are pathetic.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



This is a ignorant comment. I'll explain why. Nobody is born evil, which is what you're implying. Accepting this fact, the next logical step would be, if people aren't born evil, than where do they acquire it? Good question, I'll answer it. Since evil is not innate, one must examine the common denominator in most "evil" people, the denominator is usually poverty. Hence, why you're method of letting them kill eachother, doesn't work. In the end, there will always be outliers, however to fix the problem we mustn't act as if evil is distinct to only evil people. To fix the problem we have to understand our flaws as human beings and the systems in which we live.

Don't like what I'm saying? Then call 1800-Ima-CryBaby and ask for "Waaaaaa"


Nobody is born evil
Yes, they are. Some people have bad wiring/chemistry in their brains that means they have sociopathic/psycopathic tendencies, which will manifest as "evil" to a greater or lesser extent depending on their life circumstances. To argue otherwise is uninformed and naive.


"Some people" is correct they're called outliers, like I said. However, the majority of people stem from poverty and nurturing conditions. watch this documentary or read a book on the matter. Either will help you learn.


Some? Try ALL. We're all born evil, some are just better at hiding it. As to the original question, you take out as many as are involved in the kidnapping. Ten, a hundred, a thousand, whatever. The kidnappers willingly got involved in the matter, they knew the Americans were going to do whatever it took to get back one of their own.

That's why it was important to get Phillips back before they got to Somalia, because the body count would have been a lot higher. Maybe a blood soaked, carnal reeking slaughter house of a rescue of Capt. Phillips from Somali territory would have been a good deterrent against further piracy. They'd realize the risk is no longer worth the reward.

"If you're waiting for a woman to make up her mind, you may have a long wait." Preacher


Lol you said some. Hence why I used the quotations.


No. Evil can come from bad upbringing, lack of values, a sense of entitlement, personality flaws, greed, lust for power,

There are plenty of people who do evil things that have nothing to do with poverty. Hitler didn't invade Poland or exterminate the Jews because of poverty. Ted Bundy or Charles Manson didn't do their evil crimes because of poverty. ISIS don't commit terrorist attacks because of poverty.

There is no excuse for evil, no matter what the circumstances, since to commit a good or evil act comes down to choice, and when presented with a situation, your choice is your responsibilty. If you choose to commit evil, it is your fault, first and foremost, because you could have chosen to react differently and addressed the problem some other way.


I said "army" with a lower case "a" to denote any national military organisation --- not confined to the US or to this movie, so your hostility is unwarranted.

Beyond that, saying you'd kill an infinite number of criminals is rather extreme don't you think? If a threat of murder for profit makes you infinitely angry, you would be doing *nothing else* in your life than hunting down criminals.

I agree it's evil, but I'm trying to find a realistic estimate of how evil it is. "Infinite" is not helpful, just emotionally charged.


I love it when people think they know sooooo much information then get put in their place :)
Good job!


Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
What happens when you reach your proposed arbitrary limit and the 100th guy gets away with it? Does he try it again? Are the 101st and 102nd guys emboldened to do the same?


Why is it not helpful? You asked for a figure, he gave you a figure. And he means it too, not messing with you.


I said "army" with a lower case "a" to denote any national military organisation --- not confined to the US or to this movie, so your hostility is unwarranted.
army: (ärmē) noun
1. an organized military force equipped for fighting on land.
2. the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations on land.
3. a large number of people or things, typically formed or organized for a particular purpose.

navy: (nāvē) noun
1. the branch of a nation's armed services that conducts military operations at sea.
2. a dark blue color.


Lol, Joan Crawford would be proud- "NO WIRE HANGERS!"

Now, in all seriousness, you may want to make an appointment for a stress test. I'm sure it's not good for your heart to bust a lid so easily, given the tone of this thread. Or, I don't know, perhaps letting the jerk loose over the internet (digital courage) is your thang, yes, no?

Not even to say that I disagree with the gist of your post, but the original commenter was posing a question- not making a definitive statement, nor putting anyone down. I'm going to assume that your response is going to be somewhere along the lines of, "they asked for an opinion so I rightfully gave one;" and if that is so, good for wonderful to possess the emotional stability of a 5 year old and lack the ability to respond to situations appropriately.

"Blah, blah blah," I know, I've said too much.

Aha! Wait...what were we talking about?


"Blah, blah blah," I know, I've said too much.

"Tis better to remain silent and allow people to think you a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

That you got what you did from my post shows that YOU have an issue with reading waaay too much into something when nothing was there to start. Perhaps you are "projecting" your own inadequacies onto others and attacking them for it.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


No, not really, no projection here. I only read what you wrote. Your response was unnecessary for the situation, let alone rude- it's as simple as that. Perhaps you are "overcompensating" for your own insecurities and attacking others as a result.

Aha! Wait...what were we talking about?


Your response was unnecessary for the situation

You mean like your attacks upon my person talking about my insecurities and such?
So two wrongs make a right?

The OP was making some very bad assumptions, obviously based upon liberal ideology. I put him in his place and others have agreed as well.

YOU come along and attack me for it. If what I did was wrong in your eyes, your doing the same is not right.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


So can Coast Guard Sailor go to ANY boards and/or ANY thread without ALIENATING himself from other posters with his rude, hostile and down right attacking other posters who don't have any military experience? If somebody asks a basic military question that most people would know doesn't mean you have to reply to the post but you just can't help yourself to try show off your "knowledge" like a big boy

So I bet Coast Guard Sailor thinks that kaymarie2010 (a 7 year member woman!) is ANOTHER sock puppet account of mine or that other guy. Even she thinks that

you are "overcompensating" for your own insecurities and attacking others as a result.

If you're not willing to give up everything, you've already lost



The OP was making some very bad assumptions, obviously based upon liberal ideology.

What assumptions?
Could you point out the bad assumptions? It's possible that I missed them. This is the OP's entire post.
Had this thought, because I myself didn't flinch at 3 unsavoury dudes being shot to save an American captain/husband/dad. But surely there must be a limit - can we snipe away 10 of them? A hundred? Thousands? 

Does a $10 million demand and a threat of a murder automatically render a civilian open to undisputed execution by the army?

Just admit that you saw an opportunity to be rude and you took it. The pretenses your giving off are a bit of a stretch.

I put him in his place and others have agreed.

You called him/her ignorant for [accidentally?] using the word "army." Yep, you sure put them in their place.

Whatever, this is pointless. Please keep up the good fight; the darkest and deepest depths of IMDb are probably in need of your "telling off."

Aha! Wait...what were we talking about?


The assumption was that there surely had to be a limit dumb dumb



As soon as you threaten the life of another in the course of a criminal activity... your life is forfeit.

CG Sailor, you have an irritated attitude about "liberal whites giving into issues regarding colored people "Am i right?

But what about Whites exploiting colored people today ? Google the Enrica Lexie incident, in this case the Italians were guilty of murder, but they seem to be getting away.

The point is that - one side you have a wretchedly poor Somali who was indulging in criminal activity to make a quick buck, maybe to get what - milk for his kid ? Still, he is wrong, and punishment HAD to be given. Then one other side you have 2 trigger happy men who should have been executed by now, but they will certainly get away scot free because they are WHITE ( no other word is better )

When the powerful and the rich, weather its a white man like the Italian Marines, or a brown man like me in a poor country, may be able to get away with some clout, i just feel sad for the way life deals its lessons to the less fortunate. If you realized this, you wouldn't be so aggressive towards liberals

I'm a liberal in some ways too. I'm a rich man in a poor country, and i wonder if i would have had the same moral, ethical standards if my kid was starving ?

Darkness lies an inch ahead


The only person introducing race into the equation is you. In the statement of mine you quoted above...I don't give a sh!t what color a person's skin is. Or what country he/she comes from.

If a white guy picks up a weapon and threatens an innocent for the commission of a crime, his life is forfeit.

It really REALLY pisses me off when asshats like you try to twist it into something racial and insinuate by it that I am a white racist somehow.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


I was mainly referring to your attitude towards liberals with racial issues in the background. I even agree with part of what you say. All I'm adding is that balance your right wing angst with a little bit of left wing humanity.

Darkness lies an inch ahead


I was mainly referring to your attitude towards liberals with racial issues in the background.

I have a problem with Racists regardless of political leanings or color.
Some of the biggest racists in my country right now ARE black themselves.
Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Wright, Farakhan, Kanye, etc....
Then there are your white Skinheads and KKK idiots.
I hate ALL racism regardless of white vs Black or Black vs white or Red vs yellow or WTF ever.

And I hate Liberals.
Liberals are the downfall of America, a rotting from within. They believe their warped and twisted political ideology IS reality rather than the twisted fantasy it is in reality. They hate facts, they will stoop to any means to get their way, Ends do justify the means for them.

And besides... Liberals are the biggest group of racists in America.
Just look at their opposition to Voter ID Laws.

They oppose it on the grounds that requiring an ID for voting limits minority races from voting.
HOW SO!?!?!
The very Idea it would is IN ITSELF racist on their part. It must presume that Minorities are to stupid to be able to go get an ID.

The real reason they are against it is so that Illegals looking for free Liberal backed handouts will vote Democrat illegally because they are not citizens.

ON the one side you have COMMON SENSE and INTELLIGENCE...
Conservatives want Voter ID to insure ONLY US Citizens with the right to vote are voting, regardless of election outcome.

On the Other you have criminal negligence and lies for the seeking of power...
Liberals want the suborn the elections with fraudulent votes from illegals in the promise of free sh!t in order to gain power and fraudulently win votes. Voter ID would hinder that.
And they will accuse Conservatives of Racism to do so even though their very tactic and claim is racist itself.

All I'm adding is that balance your right wing angst with a little bit of left wing humanity.

And another perfect example of why I hate Liberals. Assuming they have a monopoly on humanity and that Conservatives don't have any.
It's just another farking Liberal Lie.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


If you are so upset that Liberals fight for justice for the weak, then you should also be upset that in World Politics, the First World Nations are dominating and oppressing the weak.

For example come back to the movie and the thread started by the OP.

In this case, 3 pirates were shot dead to save the life of an innocent American,and you cheer for it, but you don't seem to care a damn when 2 Italian criminals belonging to the Italian Navy commit murder in Indian waters, or when Pashtun Wedding celebrations are bombed by US drones etc etc etc

That's why liberals are there, however wrong they are, they are much needed to balance equally wrong people like you.

Darkness lies an inch ahead


Chill... so much hate will give you a stroke :D


lol.....what a *beep* loony racist this sailorboy is.


I was going to reply to the OP, but CG covered the answer precisely. Cheers mate!

- Just adding my .02 :)


i think 3 is to many just because you're american doesn't make your life any more valuable then theirs they had a tough life and only did what they did to survive a life is a life no one should be thought of less than just because of their upbringings. this doesn't apply to every life though


Under the circumstances they had little choice but to kill those three guys. Because for all they knew they were about to kill Phillips any second. The gun had gone off by his head, they were stringing him up with ropes. They knew that. What were they supposed to do? Wait for that to happen?

The pirates were the ones threatening his life, not the other way around.

I think the movie tried to show that they were in desperate circumstances and were only human. We saw that through Phillip's perspective, especially with regard to the kid and the leader. But the Navy had a job to do and that was to save the life of an American citizen who had been taken hostage and was being threatened with death by automatic rifle.

They did their job.


Having a tough life isnt an excuse to put others in danger and hijack commercial vessels.

Life isnt going to be fair. You have to make do with what you get. Part of that is realizing that if you *beep* up, other people are going to take action against you. If you kidnap someone under the protection of the US Navy, what do you expect to happen from that?


42. Definitely 42.


The Op is a good one.

In this instance the life of the hostage was under immediate threat and the response was justified.


You're right. That's the answer for, well... Everything.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


CG Sailor, can I get your opinion on Pacific Rim? Do you think using large mechs was the correct decision for battling the monsters, or should they have used the navy?


WTF does that have to do with anything. That's some BS science FICTION show.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Well, you did have an extensive review on Alien, and that led me to believe that you would be open to discussion on science fiction films.

That reminds me, during Independence Day do you think that it was wise to use the president, and a drunk to spearhead a reckless attack or do you think they should have called in the navy?


I have not done an "Extensive review of Alien"
Though I am active on the Alien and Aliens boards.

Why don't you post there on the appropriate board instead of hijacking this thread on a completely unrelated board.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



Grow up, Troll.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



Was your post above a troll post? No. But YOU are a troll even if you're not trolling at the moment.
You are a KNOWN and verified troll.
Your previous account was removed By IMDB. (TheGreatMoghul)

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!




Back to your original question, since this thread seems to have gotten away from it. I think it's important to note that many opportunities were offered to resolve the situation peacefully. The pirates chose at multiple points to proceed when they could have saved their lives (with a significant profit in cash). The smart ones were the ones that turned away in the first act. The ones that proceeded were motivated not merely by poverty and pressure from the gang boss, but also by a macho desire to prove their courage and manliness. The poverty and pressure win some sympathy, but not the macho willingness to kill others to prove they're "men."


The poverty and pressure win some sympathy, but not the macho willingness to kill others to prove they're "men."

2 points Id like to make

1) First World Countries have such a good judicial system for their citizens, but in the case of criminal ( read criminals ) from the third world, any good reason is good enough to kill the criminal. Like your statement which i quoted above

2) The same principles do not apply if the criminal is from the First World. Here you have 2 Italian sailors getting away scot free. You may google the Enrica Lexie incident, because I'm only quoting the Indian viewpoint

" "If they thought they were being chased by a pirate vessel, they should have carried out evasive manoeuvres to alter the course of the ship, as enunciated by the guidelines. If the skiff was still after them, they would've fired a few warning shots well above the bow of the pirate vessel to deter it. Unfortunately, they do not seem to have done any of this. The Italians are claiming that this was a successful anti-piracy operation, but it is crystal clear that the fishermen were unarmed and were not attempting to come alongside the tanker to board it. As the tanker crew claims to have been fired upon, I sent INS Kabra to ascertain if there were bullet marks on it. It went around the ship to find that there was none. I've also asked my men to verify the tanker's logbook to account for the number of rounds fired by the guards. This is to see if they had fired any warning shot at all. What are you talking about the fishing vessel giving you a chase when the maximum speed it can attain is just about eight knots?"

I'm sorry for the slight deviation from the OP, but what I've stated fits into the mood of the original question

Darkness lies an inch ahead


I asked myself this same question after I finished watching this film as the OP did. I believe the situation could have been handled better. I don't believe the massacre of all 3 was warranted especially considering that there was no real violence done to anyone except for a bit of roughing up on the captain after he somewhat brought it upon himself when he failed to sit down in his seat and stay quiet as instructed. Of course what is anyone to do in that situation. Waiting patiently to be saved is tough and just goes to show the Captain's distrust in the military.

The only real crime the Somalis committed was losing out on the birth lottery. I especially despise the way they were tricked into believing that some type of deal or arrangement would be brokered with the elders. You also can't help but question if race served as a motivating factor as well but I'll let the South Park Episode address that one as I believe they addressed it much better and comical than I would.

I think the film does a good job of pointing out who the real criminal is in all this and that the good captain along with his kidnappers are all victims of the same villain, corporate influenced foreign politics.

~What if this is as good as it gets?!~


I asked myself this same question after I finished watching this film as the OP did. I believe the situation could have been handled better. I don't believe the massacre of all 3 was warranted especially considering that there was no real violence done to anyone except for a bit of roughing up on the captain after he somewhat brought it upon himself when he failed to sit down in his seat and stay quiet as instructed. Of course what is anyone to do in that situation. Waiting patiently to be saved is tough and just goes to show the Captain's distrust in the military.

The only real crime the Somalis committed was losing out on the birth lottery. I especially despise the way they were tricked into believing that some type of deal or arrangement would be brokered with the elders. You also can't help but question if race served as a motivating factor as well but I'll let the South Park Episode address that one as I believe they addressed it much better and comical than I would.

I think the film does a good job of pointing out who the real criminal is in all this and that the good captain along with his kidnappers are all victims of the same villain, corporate influenced foreign politics.
This whole post is, to put it mildly, naive in the extreme, but the part I highlighted really takes the cake.
The only real crime the Somalis committed was losing out on the birth lottery.
Utter claptrap. Try kidnapping; try piracy on the high seas. Those are crimes, and the Somalis committed both of them. They weren't tried for for losing out on the birth lottery, because that is not a criminal offense. Piracy is. That (and nothing else, is what the Somali was tried for.

As for your outrage at the trickery, sorry, the guy gets no sympathy from me on that account, either. All he had to do was take the $30,000 that Phillips got out of the safe for him and go. He had several opportunities to do this before the US Navy got there, and his choice was not to do this. His greed seems to have gotten the better of him. This deception that you complain so bitterly of is SOP for any police or military agency faced with a hostage situation. Talk them down and take your time, and wear them out, distract them, trick them if it is safe for the hostage.

No, this was entirely ethical on the part of the Navy, and I am damned proud of what they did here.


As for your outrage at the trickery, sorry, the guy gets no sympathy from me on that account, either. All he had to do was take the $30,000 that Phillips got out of the safe for him and go. He had several opportunities to do this before the US Navy got there, and his choice was not to do this. His greed seems to have gotten the better of him. This deception that you complain so bitterly of is SOP for any police or military agency faced with a hostage situation. Talk them down and take your time, and wear them out, distract them, trick them if it is safe for the hostage.

No, this was entirely ethical on the part of the Navy, and I am damned proud of what they did here.

Except, you seem to conveniently forget one obvious fact that the film pointed out numerous times about how they were being threatened and under pressure to go back with more money. It wasn't just a simple case of greed though I'm not debating that probably played a role as well. I don't think the OP is condoning what the Somalis did and neither am I but to question the way it was handled by the military is a valid one.

As far as the rest of your reply, you sound like a typical brainwashed drone American sheep that believes anything that his country and his good 'ole military or police forces do to him is justified and without questioning and you have the nerve to call me naive?! LOL.

In any case, if you wish to debate a difference of opinion that's fine but there's no need to go calling people names, it just proves what an immature uneducated backwards redneck you really are.


~What if this is as good as it gets?!~


In any case, if you wish to debate a difference of opinion that's fine but there's no need to go calling people names, it just proves what an immature uneducated backwards redneck you really are.
What in the world are you talking about? I never called you names. If anyone is name-calling, it is you, not me, as evidenced by the part that I highlighted.


We can kill all of them.



As many as possible. I have no problem with 1000 kidnappers being killed to save one person.


As many as it takes
