MovieChat Forums > Captain Phillips (2013) Discussion > Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to k...

Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to kill, to save one innocent life?

Just had this thought, because I myself didn't flinch at 3 unsavoury dudes being shot to save an American captain/husband/dad. But surely there must be a limit - can we snipe away 10 of them? A hundred? Thousands?

Does a $10 million demand and a threat of a murder automatically render a civilian open to undisputed execution by the army?


There is no limit to how many murderous criminals it's okay to kill, to save innocent hostages. The moment those SOBs approached that ship with weapons, they forfeited their claim to compassion. The fact that they lived in poverty is no excuse for criminal behavior. I was once very poor, but I didn't go into my neighbors house with a gun to terrorize him and take his stuff. The moment they took the Captain hostage and threatened his life, they forfeited their right to continue living. The Navy was fully justified in taking the MFers out, and the world is a safer place now that they're gone. If merchant ships aren't allowed to be armed, they should be so that they can defend themselves from dirtbag pirates.
