MovieChat Forums > Captain Phillips (2013) Discussion > Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to k...

Up to how many kidnappers are we ok to kill, to save one innocent life?

Just had this thought, because I myself didn't flinch at 3 unsavoury dudes being shot to save an American captain/husband/dad. But surely there must be a limit - can we snipe away 10 of them? A hundred? Thousands?

Does a $10 million demand and a threat of a murder automatically render a civilian open to undisputed execution by the army?


You kill as many of the criminal kidnappers as is necessary to protect the innocent victim.



The more, the merrier


As long as the victims are brown, poor and unable to defend themselves properly, the US has no qualms murdering as many as possibly.


As long as the victims are brown, poor and unable to defend themselves properly, the US has no qualms murdering as many as possibly.

Did you forget that the Somalis kidnapped Philipps at gunpoint, and were taking him ashore against his will? That little fact seems to have escaped your notice here. The US Navy acted properly in this case, giving the pirates ample opportunity to release Philipps before the SEALS resorted to deadly force. The Somalis were not murdered. Their deaths were entirely justified.


All of them. There are no criminals worth an innocents life.


Zero. These people may have been criminals, but they ought to have been arrested by competent authorities and given a fair trial. Instead they were murdered by US soldiers.


Zero. These people may have been criminals, but they ought to have been arrested by competent authorities and given a fair trial. Instead they were murdered by US soldiers.

Bull. You don't know what you are talking about. They were killed in the act of committing a violent crime, not murdered.


Does a $10 million demand and a threat of a murder automatically render a civilian open to undisputed execution by the army?

If the kidnappers have the immediate means to carry out the threat, yes.


Film seem to have suffered from wanting to show a successful US navy mission.

Putting all plot holes aside and trying to answer the question, the obvious resolution was to let them land and just pay the ransom, no one dies.

It is explained in the move the reason the 30k wasnt enough to satisfy them was the greedy gang leader, he even threatened the lead pirate with his life if he gave up on the hostage. But its not really explained why the US navy had an obsession with not letting them hit land, on top of sending numerous warships, seal team etc.
