You're kidding me?

4 poor, technologically challenged Somalians were able to board a ship this big?

Are you kidding me?

The houses seemed to do nothing and in reality don't even seem necessary. Just shoot/ bomb the pirate boats.

If that's too violent for you, hide on the ship and dislodge the god damn ladders! It's really not that hard.

At the very least shoot the god damn flares at the pirate boat/ pirates while they are vulnerable and climbing the ladders!
God damn this film.


You're kidding me?...............right? Did you even see the film? What part of the boarding scene did you not understand? You're kidding me?


Probably the part where the huge container ship, with the technologies of advanced MDCs, and staff in the multiples of 10, is taken over by 4 poor Somalian pirates in a dingy with a poorly welded ladder. That would definitely be the unbelievable part there. You know, for a reasonably logical person that is.

Once again why waste flares when the pirate's dingy is far away, as opposed to waiting till they're boarding and vulnerable?
Why don't these guys have guns themselves if travelling through such dangerous waters?
Or if you're against guns, some sort of non-lethal projectile to sink the pirate's dingy.
Why on such a huge ship are these amateur pirates able to spot everyone and easily get shots off at them? Are the Somalian peoples superhumans?

Overall, how did the severely outnumbered, outgunned (should've been), technologically primitive and of course poorly educated (in general and in the art of defence) individuals overcome their exact polar opposites?

Look, I'm sorry mate, perhaps you are one to get caught up in the pathetic films of this generation (which milk controversial events for sympathy). But this one, just like others, was incredibly annoying (even if it were based on true events, that does not mean this was a poorly handled situation). If you can't see that you're not worth the time trying to explain the inadequacies.


Err, well, no, I don't think anyone was kidding you. Apparently you missed the part where this is based on a true story and/or your Google doesn't work (assuming you somehow missed the massive press coverage over this story, as well.) Given that 4 poor Somali pirates did in fact take over a very large commercial vessel with the same name, you perhaps shouldn't be so incredulous? This wasn't exactly "Rambo" levels of over-the-top can't believe it.


Probably the part where the huge container ship, with the technologies of advanced MDCs, and staff in the multiples of 10, is taken over by 4 poor Somalian pirates in a dingy with a poorly welded ladder. That would definitely be the unbelievable part there. You know, for a reasonably logical person that is.

A reasonable logical person would know and understand this does happen in real life therefore it is possible regardless of what you in your ignorance (Not reasoned logic) think.

It's entirely believable. You know... Since IT HAPPENED (and on far more than one occasion).

Or if you're against guns, some sort of non-lethal projectile to sink the pirate's dingy.

Do you realize how unbelievably STUPID this comment of yours is?
Any projectile with enough force to sink the dighy is enough force to be lethal if it hit a person rather than the boat.
Not too bright there are ya bub?

Why on such a huge ship are these amateur pirates able to spot everyone and easily get shots off at them? Are the Somalian peoples superhumans?

Seriously kid?
It doesn't take superhuman ability to spot someone on a ship.
You have ZERO experience and don't know WTF you're talking about yet you are going on and on about what's "wrong", what's "unbelievable", etc...

When the fault lies with YOUR poor grasp of logic and common sense.

Sorry can't see how to add a new comment so I'll just reply to mt OP

Too ignorant to not realize there ISN'T a way to add a comment without it being a reply to either the OP or to some other reply.
At least I thank you in not doing the truly ignorant thing by simply replying to whoever is at the bottom of the thread even when the reply is not meant for them but to someone else (That is REALLY annoying). If the comment is in general to the thread or to the OP, the OP is the post to reply to.

But just so everyone knows, yes I'm aware this is based on a real event - I'm not mentally challenged like most of the people here.

If you know it's real life and still have trouble grasping it and making the statements you did... it rather goes to show that you ARE mentally challenged (Like FEW of the rest in here)

Gotta love it when someone posts in ignorance, and when called on it, calls those who know better "Mentally Challenged".

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


OP absolutely right, its *beep*
I could defend that ship, against those pirates. Alone, been with one arm , drunk , naked, having a spoon as my weapon
Youre just a pussy , defending other pussies, to justify your pussinnes.

The film is BASED on true facts, not depiction of them(otherwise it would be a documentary)it says so after the credits end(i sat through those too).Actually nothing is matching the real life events except the fact that there was a hijacked cargo ship in somali waters, and of course the captains name. Everything ellse is fictional.
But the way they show us in the film ? No, no no no no. You could spit in that poor excuse of a pirate boat and it would sink

And hey, i already knew the world is 2/3 water b4 i joined the navy.
Just a food for thought, whos kidding who, who is Mentally Challenged, who is grasping what, who is ignorant,who knows better ect ect.


I could defend that ship, against those pirates. Alone, been with one arm , drunk , naked, having a spoon as my weapon

Yeah yeah yeah.... Another Call of Duty playing wannabe couch potato armchair commando talking about what HE would do....
False bragging. It's pathetic.

Youre just a pussy , defending other pussies, to justify your pussinnes.

I'll call someone an idiot, or as asshat, or a moron, or names similar... IF and only if they have demonstrated the name is justified through their own statements and actions. Not just to call names to insult them.

You on the other hand, by calling me a pussy defending other pussies without any cause or justification, just proves you to be an asshat.
Fraking Troll is what you are.

The film is BASED on true facts, not depiction of them(otherwise it would be a documentary)it says so after the credits end(i sat through those too).Actually nothing is matching the real life events except the fact that there was a hijacked cargo ship in somali waters, and of course the captains name. Everything ellse is fictional.
But the way they show us in the film ? No, no no no no. You could spit in that poor excuse of a pirate boat and it would sink

Then why didn't they? Just more of your armchair commando bullsh!t talking brave from your keyboard. While there are alterations from real life, it is still a FACT of real life that a handful of lightly armed pirates in a tiny little dinghy took a larger ship with no weapons. That is not made up but reality.
You'd know that if you had a Fraking clue WTF you're (not the apostrophe missing from your you're) talking about.

And hey, i already knew the world is 2/3 water b4 i joined the navy.

Guess what asshat... So did I. The phrase is just meant in humor. That you would falsely attempt to try to reflect my reality and attack me for it shows just what a jackass you are.
And based upon your comments, I seriously doubt you were Navy.

Just a food for thought, whos kidding who, who is Mentally Challenged, who is grasping what, who is ignorant,who knows better ect ect.

Hmmmm Based upon your comments, that'd be you.
(Except the "who knows better" part. That'd be me.)

Bye bye little troll, thanks for playing "How much can you prove yourself to be a dumbass"

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Some Merchant Ships do carry firearms, and some do employ armed guards (february 2014 the guards on the Maersk Alabama died from heroin use) but at the time of the highjacking the Alabama did not have guards.

The crew size of the Alabama was and is the same as any other box boat, around 21-25 people.


I'm with the OP, as well. I hated this movie just on general principle. A cargo ship of that magnitude treading through dangerous waters SHOULD have well-trained, armed individuals on board ready to pick off any approaching threats. Yeah, I really think it's that simple. And the fact that it IS a true story makes me hate it even more, that we allowed these savage ass clowns to climb aboard our ship and spend several days and nights and millions and millions of tax dollars for a rescue mission that could have been resolved with 4 bullets to the head in five minutes.

THEY ONLY GOT ON BOARD BECAUSE THEY HAD GUNS AND WE DIDN'T! What does that tell you??? What stops a bad guy with a gun? A good guy with a gun! Sorry to burst your peace bubble!

It made me cringe that these scrawny-ass terrorists were able to get as far as they did. And the more the movie progressed, I just kept thinking, what a waste of money, men and resources over a situation that could have been solved so easily and quickly.

This movie is not inspiring. It's a sad commentary on a country that's gone soft.


That all actually happened, so you could always ask Richard Phillips.


Totally agree with the OP.

Absolutely absurd that these 4 feeble pirates standing in the skiff like sitting ducks couldnt be picked off easily with guns and rifles. Did the ship not have any weapons??? How lame is that?

Utterly preposterous premise.


it ACTUALLY happend so how is it preposterous


Apparently it is illegal by international law for commercial shipping vessels to have guns on board. Indeed, guns might be more dangerous should one or more of the crew be a pirate(s) and take advantage of the guns while the ship is being boarded or used for some other nefarious purpose.


Apparently it is illegal by international law for commercial shipping vessels to have guns on board.

No it's NOT illegal to carry firearms on container ships however some countries and their ports will not allow them entry. For example:

Ships sailing under a British flag will be able to carry armed guards to protect them from pirates, the prime minister has announced.

David Cameron says he wants to combat the risks to shipping off the coast of Somalia, where 49 of the world's 53 hijackings last year took place. Under the plans, the home secretary would be given the power to license armed guards for ships. No ship carrying armed security has yet been hijacked, the government claims.

Up to 200 vessels flying the red ensign - the British merchant navy flag - regularly sail close to Somalia. Officials estimate that about 100 of those would immediately apply for permission to have armed guards. Under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea every ship is subject to the jurisdiction of the country whose flag it carries.

It is thought many British-registered ships already carry armed guards because they feel they have no alternative. However, licensing ships to carry armed guards could still fall foul of laws in other countries. Egypt recently announced that armed guards would not be permitted on ships sailing through the Suez canal.


Yes a few Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel on board these large vessels can ward off potential pirates however like the points below it is not a complete solution to the problem and you started off this thread asking why the crew members didn't arm themselves. However the points below again point out why it's not a good idea...

1) Now lets look at different weapons systems we might arm the PCASPs with on board your ship? Do you know how hard it is to hit a pirate in a skiff bouncing up in the surf going traveling a high speeds? You've basically got to lay down suppressive fire at them rather than taking controlled single shots with sniper rifles. See quotes and article at the end...

2) NOW more importantly what are the Rules of Engagement, are you allowed to just start spraying lead at ANY Somali skiff that comes within 300 metres or can you only engage after taking fire? I've got to brush up on my Maritime Law however Military teams can per-emptively strike pirates on skiffs and target mother ships that carry teams of pirates!

3) The IMO warns companies not to allow crews to bring firearms aboard or hire armed security, cautioning that doing so could escalate the situation by encouraging pirates to use more dangerous weapons and become more aggressive. Especially when most of the time they are f.cked up on the plant drug Khat.

4) Contacts (shots fired) most likely occurs in International Waters thus: Shooting approaching pirates could land crew members in trouble with foreign governments and lead to liabilities for their employers. What legal consequences would have arming the cargo ships in torpedoes and machine guns and sinking approaching pirate boats?
Specific consequences depend on specifics, such as:

Where the incident occurred.
Whether it occurred wholly or in part in international or national waters; or multiple potentially overlapping national waters.
The flag-state of ship.
The nationality of the company owning the ship.
The nationality of each crew member, especially the captain.
The port that the ship is currently docked at during trial.
The country the trial actually occurs in.
The state of belligerency between any of the nations or nationalities listed above.
The nature of business that the merchant ship was undertaking. Whether the merchant ship itself was hostis humani generis. l-against-pirates-for-private-ships

5) I gave you one example of a country's rules when it comes to Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel (PCASP) on board ships. What do you do if your tanker vessel is going to numerous ports with each country having different laws on having mercenaries and weapons on board and one says they are Persona non grata, what do you do then? See quotes and article at the end...

6) If you were a crew member on a oil or natural gas tanker ship would you really like your PCASPs firing on pirates who are firing back with AK-47s and Rocket Propelled Grenades? BOOM!

Piracy fears over ships laden with weapons in international waters rmouries

Private security companies guarding ships against Somali pirates are increasingly storing their weapons on so-called "floating armouries" in international waters, to avoid arms smuggling laws when they dock in ports. The legal status of these armouries is unclear, and industry experts are concerned that the absence of regulation leaves the armouries vulnerable to attack from the pirates they are intended to guard against.

The presence of armed guards on board ships has helped dramatically reduce hijacks by Somali pirates, but raised problems of the legality of the arms used. Carrying weapons into a country can be considered arms smuggling, using weapons without licence, breaching an arms embargo (especially in Somalia) and other offences. Some countries that permit ships to enter port with armed guards may not allow them to leave with their weapons.

Before floating armouries were introduced, security companies either went through the costly and complicated process of using a handful of officially approved onshore armouries or got round the problem altogether by buying guns illegally in Yemen and dumping them at sea when going in to dock at a port. Now they are able to drop weapons off at the armoury and collect them again when heading back out to sea.

By using armories private security companies are able to avoid the bureaucracy of local ports, save on port costs and not waste time deviating to ports to collect guards.

So instead of the mercenaries having their firearms and weapons on them at all times or secured properly in the ship's gun safe they are now sitting out in International Waters in floating armories. Don't get me wrong PCASPs have definitely had an effect on piracy hijacking off Somalia however having these guys on your ships leaves you open to all sorts of dangers directly and indirectly. Lets not forget to that the Multinational Navy Task Forces via the UN have done a majority of the maritime security in the area!

The presence of armed guards on board ships has helped dramatically reduce hijacks by Somali pirates, but raised problems of the legality of the arms used. Carrying weapons into a country can be considered arms smuggling, using weapons without licence, breaching an arms embargo (especially in Somalia) and other offences. Some countries that permit ships to enter port with armed guards may not allow them to leave with their weapons.

Before floating armouries were introduced, security companies either went through the costly and complicated process of using a handful of officially approved onshore armouries or got round the problem altogether by buying guns illegally in Yemen and dumping them at sea when going in to dock at a port. Now they are able to drop weapons off at the armoury and collect them again when heading back out to sea.

By using armories private security companies are able to avoid the bureaucracy of local ports, save on port costs and not waste time deviating to ports to collect guards. So instead of the mercenaries having their firearms and weapons on them at all times or secured properly in the ship's gun safe they are now sitting out in International Waters in floating armories. Don't get me wrong PCASPs have definitely had an effect on piracy hijacking off Somalia however having these guys on your ships leaves you open to all sorts of dangers directly and indirectly. Lets not forget to that the Multinational Navy Task Forces via the UN have done a majority of the maritime security in the area!

Just something I've written to copy and paste when people ask about why it not always foolproof to have Armed Security aboard to ward off pirates.

If you're not willing to give up everything, you've already lost


"Apparently it is illegal by international law for commercial shipping vessels to have guns on board."

As the old sayin' goes:

Better to be judged by 12 (or, in this case, whoever handles maritime law) than buried by 6.

As a Capt., I'd be damned if if I would head out to sea, pirates or not, without some kind
of firearm and a few pair of cuffs, the law be damned.


Goddamn you're stupid. Did you... not watch the movie?

They had no weapons on board.
They DID try to shoot the flares at the boats but were shot at so that ruined their aim.

And if you can hold up an entire bank full of people with one gun, its not hard to believe that four guns were able to momentarily take over an entire ship!

Tired of people like you thinking you could probably have done a better job when in reality we all know you'd probably crap your pants and start crying like a baby if you ever found yourself in the same situation. Don't try to deny it.

Ashmi any question


THIS ^^^^^^^^

I am so sick and tired of armchair wannabes thinking they know better, when their whole experience comes from some Call of Duty video game.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


To be fair they were firing at him with AK47's from a range of 200-400 metres which is a very good range for that weapon. The crew don't carry guns because that would require extra security and gun training for each individual crew member and I'm pretty sure commercial ship liners won't find it particularly profitable to train every member of their staff with guns.


This is quite ridiculous: This movie is based on a real life event!

In 2009 the Maersk Alabama was boarded by four Somali pirates. You can read it all here
or ...

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not claiming that everything happened just like in the movie, most likely not.
But: Four guys with guns were obviously able to board a cargo ship. That's a fact.


Sometimes the crew of cargo ships are not allowed to have guns. Some international ports won't let you in if you are an armed ship. Sometimes it's against the law. I agree, it was aggravating to watch. When you're not allowed to protect yourself, jacka**es who don't care about right from wrong can terrorize and even kill you.
