You're kidding me?

4 poor, technologically challenged Somalians were able to board a ship this big?

Are you kidding me?

The houses seemed to do nothing and in reality don't even seem necessary. Just shoot/ bomb the pirate boats.

If that's too violent for you, hide on the ship and dislodge the god damn ladders! It's really not that hard.

At the very least shoot the god damn flares at the pirate boat/ pirates while they are vulnerable and climbing the ladders!
God damn this film.


I don't care how feeble is the person, if he's pointing ak47 at me, and there were several of them.

However, it was stupid, how vulnerable they were against the pirates. At least they could've had a panic room.

But like Hanks said in the beginning they (bosses) want everything done cheap.

On the other hand that rescue mission was pretty costly I bet.

It comes down to who pays in the end.

The money, it's all about the money.

Pathetic businessmen on both sides.


OP is correct. It is ridiculous.

And in response to the lame 'it actually happened so there...' - just because it happened doesn't mean it still isn't totally ridiculous.

Plenty of things happen in real life that make us all say WTF. The reason security is beefed up on these vessels now is precisely because this incident was so stupid.



You're not very smart are you?

It's quite evident.


Looks like you didn't see the goddamn movie, did you?


Yeah, it's just as absurd as some guys hiJacking a plane with just mace and knives and using it as a missile to take down a high-rise building.

You are going to see, hear and experience many things that seem impossible and improbable before you turn to dust.

Hell, I was 8 years old, living in San Diego, California when I saw a falling out of the sky. At the time it was the deadliest plane crash in aviation history.

I've seen and experienced many more things that seen unreal. This planet is cool but it's also messed up.

My YouTube Show:


I totally agree with the OP. I can't believe that this happened. You set off on a ship with millions of dollars of cargo & $30k in cash in waters that are KNOWINGLY DANGEROUS without a gun ?!?! That's just plain stupid. There's no other way to put it.

I never would have taken off on that ship without a handgun at the very very least. More than likely I would have had a rifle with a huge scope on it which I could have used to pick off the pirates on their little dinky boat one by one.


U ask me, the second we got back back to the States,I would have hunted Captain Phillips down and killed him, he ignored protocol, he had very very adequate time to activate security protocol, and let them pirates on his ship, he simply was trying to show off, and in the process nearly got himself, his crew, and put the lives of sailors at risk for his modesty and ignoring protocol, yep, I would kill him dead the minute I stepped stateside...


My question is, why not just crush that tiny ass wooden boat? The pirates already showed their intentions when they started shooting at the ship. The second they pull up to the ship, turn the wheel hard to port and capsize that wooden wreck. Toss a few life vests, supplies overboard and radio their position and keep trucking. Hopefully for them, a vessel would get there before they became fish food.


Don't think a boat of that mass and size and turn sideways that quickly.

ORANGE for all


The crew didn't have guns, but there were fire hoses, with power evidently comparable to water cannon, which were used to try to keep the skiffs from getting close enough for boarding. I wonder if one or more of the fire hoses might profitably have been reserved for knocking off any pirate from the top of the boarding ladder. A hose operator could be positioned out of line of fire from the skiff and a hose is, unlike a flare gun, not a one shot weapon...?

(If someone were tempted to respond "It didn't happen like that!" this would suggest a limited understanding of the concept of counterfactual hypothesis.)

I beseech ye in the bowels of Christ, think that ye may be mistaken.
