MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > Over hyped disappointment

Over hyped disappointment

In South Africa, we drove 100km to see this on a big Imax screen (as recommended by the Director) - I fail to understand the hype or reason Nolan shot it on 65mm film as the cinematography was nothing exceptional, the dialogue was frequently drowned out by the loud 'music' and I gradually lost the use of my legs. I was ready to give up half way and walk out to beat the traffic home but the bomb-sequence brightened things up a bit and I stuck it out. The last hour was a struggle. I have a fair grasp of the history of the period but still struggled a bit with following the story. I really wanted to like the movie but the toasted peri-peri chicken sandwich that we ordered on the way in (and which was delivered to our seats) was the highlight of the day. Sorry


I agree with the posters here. While I thought the movie was quite good, overall, I don't think that seeing in the 70mm IMAX was worth it, cost wise or money-wise. It would be more than good enough to watch this at home on a high-end 4k OLED TV. And I would be able to watch it with subtitles and would thus catch a lot more of the dialogue. I must say, the marketing machine really did well on this and I felt at least slightly duped into going for the "70mm IMAX experience".


Welcome to Nolan's world. Right from Memento onwards, Nolan has been all hype.


Why would anyone drive an hour just to see a movie? I won't even go thirty miles to see one.


Because of the hype?
It's the nearest Imax to where we live.
We thought it would be a great film to see on the big screen.
We were wrong (but the sandwich was REALLY good)


Finally got down to watching, and went in pretty blind, keeping away from most previews and trailers and stuff. I was relatively enjoying it up until shortly after the bomb dropped, then it just got boring minus the excellent Truman Oval Office scene. As for the bomb explosion itself, completely underperforming and overhyped, nothing was "big screen worthy" here in any sense of the word.

The focus goes from the building of the bomb in the first half to political baloney in the second half where Nolan's accelerated pacing does absolutely nothing for me. The soundtrack is also unfitting in the second half and way too loud & action-esque. Nolan's music choices work for The Batman Trilogy and Interstellar, not here.

First half - 7/10
Second half - 3/10

If I could get this movie remixed, it would lose the accelerated pacing, tell a coherent chronological story (NO out of order scenes), no black & white scenes, it would show the proper effects & destruction laid out by the Trinity test bomb as well as the Enola Gay B-29 loading up and dropping the Fat Man and Little Boy bombs, show the destruction & aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and the movie would be over shortly after that. I'd probably still keep the 2.5-3 hours though.


as recommended by the Director

not that this is the sort of thing the director would say...

but this is the sort of thing the director would say

I didn't think it was a big screen film. mostly dialogue. I suppose the explosion allowed you to get 'into' it
