MovieChat Forums > Barbarian (2022) Discussion > Why would Keith? (Spoilers)

Why would Keith? (Spoilers)

Why would Keith go even further down in the basement... He already saw the room with the bucket, bed and camera as Tess described... after that I would get the fuck out of that house and call the cops as Tess wanted too?

And another question... The homeless man said the lady comes out at night... would she just run around the neigborhood?

The film also indicated that there was someone else in the house (I don't mean in the basement but main house) but it can't have been the woman as there is no way she could be quiet enough and the old man was to weak?

And why did the woman have super strenght... I mean incest would usually create weak deformed offspring not some super human who could even survive a fall from 20 meters or something like that?


This is one of those films that you can't overthink. It strived to be suspenseful, funny and surprising and in doing so it cut corners and did things without explanation (such as the mystery of who was roaming about the house early on, opening doors etc). The more you think and the more questions you ask the more you'll be confused.

The plot doesn't make a whole lot of sense really. That's the truth of the matter.


You are right... I just can't help myself... I really liked a lot of things in this movie I just felt it could have been even better...


You can be ambiguous but you’ve still gotta lay the ground work for your audience to answer their own questions. I don’t think this movie did that all that well.


On a first viewing, I loved this movie. I thought the atmosphere, suspense, and scares were top-notch and some of the best I've seen. But damn, after a second viewing, the plot just falls apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny. And I think that bringing Justin Long into the film was a mistake. His performance was just so grating to watch, and I say this as a fan of his.


Because if he didn’t the movie wouldn’t be nearly as interesting. Let’s face it, in most horror if it is going to work then characters must do very dumb things


You are probably right... but I do feel you can write some of these situations a bit better...


incest would usually create weak deformed offspring not some super human who could even survive a fall from 20 meters or something like that?
The math doesn't support her being an incest kid. The homeless guy said the mutant woman had been there for 40 years. But since everything started in the 1980's, her mom would have to have been one of the unrelated kidnapped women. The movie was very poorly written.


It has been a while since I saw the movie... but why does her mom have to be one of the kidnapped woman? To me she is definitely some inbred mess... but I could be wrong.


Inbreeding doesn't make sense for the short timeline given. It was due to sloppy writing.

* The homeless guy told us that the mutant woman had been living in the house for 40 years.

* The entire purpose of the 1980's flashback was to show when Frank started his kidnapping spree.

* No other woman could have been the mother of the mutant except someone who was kidnapped around the time Frank started the kidnapping spree in the 1980's.

* There could be no incest involved if the mutant's mom was a random kidnapped woman.


Maybe you are right... and I guess it depends on how old the freaky lady is... but let's say he has a daughter with one of the kidnapped ladies... then rapes his daughter at 15 and she is the mom to that crazy offspring she would be around 25 at the time of the movie... I mean she is strong so she is not old just deformed...

As I am writing this I just realished I am really giving this to much thought... as I don't think the writers of the movie even gave it as much thought...


The movie establishes that the mutant has been around for 40 years, meaning she was born no later than 1982 (in 2022). Not enough time for an incest birth.


Fair enough... I don't recall that at all... but if that is the case it just makes it even more weird, because she should basically just be a normal person... and not a freak with super powers... Of course mentally messed up but no super strenght...
