Pretty Good But..

…it’s 70% subtitles. Meaning you really have to be staring at the screen the whole episode unless you speak Spanish.

I’ll continue on but it’s a show that needs your undivided attention. Not all do. This one does.


Welcome to how most of the world watches English productions. At least the ones that loath dubbing.


I don't see the issue here. If you're finding it hard to read subtitles, think about deaf people.


Or just ppl who are HOH. I've been reading subtitles for the longest time dt auditory processing issues. It's great bc you don't miss or confuse words.


Yeah. I was born fully deaf, and I was so surprised to learn that there are people who hardly read the subtitles and avoid foreign movies. I'm always fine reading the subtitles and seeing the actors' faces at the same time on screen, but I guess that's how I got used to it.


Maybe it's the learning curve that stops some people. They're missing out on foreign films!


That's now it works with subtitles. It's not perfect, but it sure as hell beats dubbing.


I hate subtitles. I can't stare at my phone while watching this movie because of the subtitles


It's funny. I'm not watching this show (maybe later) but I see complaining about the period authentic smoking and the location authentic Spanish. Christ on a cracker...


I'm not going to watch it because I find it offensive to portray hispanic females in this capacity. I'm only in favor of racial diversity if its done the right way


DEI-4-EVAH, Bruh!
