US Remake (Why Not)

Since Oldboy is having it's remake now by Spike Lee. How about a US remake of this excellent movie?

I mean, I like this movie far better that Oldboy. Watched both movies on one day. But this one sticks with me the most. So, anyone else agree. This movie should get a US remake!

EDIT: Oh and since NEW (Spike Lee) Oldboy is getting bombed by reviewers for why making it. Let's get this one right! Because it's an excellent story! sure it's an revenge story, but one hell of a!!


For the same reason that there shouldn't be a remake of Léon: the actors/acting and the scenes cannot be done any better by anyone else.

Endure and Survive


Already remade as Drive starring Ryan Gosling


Why not remake? Have you seen the remake of Oldboy versus the original...? That's why. There's just certain things that you cannot recreate, and I SAW THE DEVIL is one of them. I mean, it's not a masterpiece (I gave it 9/10 stars), but it's pretty damn close. Oldboy was butchered, and I don't give a crap about which one was closer to the source material. The fact is, the Korean movie was just better. WAY better! In every way. There's no way that an American remake would do I Saw The Devil justice. I don't know why Americans (I'm one, too.) can't just get over themselves and read some damn subtitles!

"I'm in the empire business."


I don't know why Americans (I'm one, too.) can't just get over themselves and read some damn subtitles!

I have no problem with subtitles and have tried to raise my kids to by open to non-English movies, but three of the four have pushed back a bit. My theory is that Hollywood dominated the world in terms of making iconic films for so long, Americans are just accustomed to seeing movies in English. From the time they're kids, that's what they see. Subtitled movies "feel" like homework to Americans until you get used to them. There are countless viable options in English, so why not choose them? I don't think that way myself, but I understand it.

I'm not arguing that American movies are inherently better, but in terms of more-or-less universally-known titles, characters and lines, Hollywood has produced the vast majority . . in English. I would say the average South Korean fan of The Host, Oldboy, Snowpiercer or D-War has heard of and probably seen The Godfather, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Casablanca, and Avatar. The inverse is not nearly as likely.


I have meddled with the primal forces of nature and I will atone.


I don't give a crap about which one was closer to the source material.

If it makes you feel better none of them were. The story the source material tells is impossible to adapt in a none Japanese context. Park Chan-wook took a lot of liberties with it and made it his own. Spike Lee was adapting Park's film for an American audience, not the source material.


Hollywood makes remakes from Asian movies because it's the easiest way to make money. Hollywood sucks ass.


how about if america catches up with the rest of the world and doesnt need every movie remade just so their simple minds can grasp it.

"You only need matches and balls and I got those"


You can't remake a movie like this, especially in the US. They'd have to cut so much of the movie that there would be nothing left to show. Wasn't the new "Oldboy" beyond horrible? That's what I've heard and wouldn't waste time watching it as the original is far superior by all means.


There is Indian (dhotis) remake that will make you cry. Stupid Indians.

