Retarded movie for morons

Ignoring the many parts of the movie that are just dumb (the fact that he retrieves a ring from the grate when it's not visible; when the cop breaks the padlock on the top drawer, then opens the two unpadlocked bottom drawers; the stupidity of "these are the people accused of similar crimes" - accused of beating, kidnapping, and dismembering women then scattering their body parts?!?) this movie is stupid. He catches the killer, then lets him go to kill and rape again ... then catches him, to let him go to kill and rape again ... sure, stab my two friends! It's all part of a plan that makes no sense!

This is just a stupid movie for indiscriminate fetishists.


Fair enough if you didn't like the movie but why feel the need to horribly insult those who did? It just makes you seem like a total jerk. If you can't construct an argument as to why you disliked it without resorting to offensive statements then why should we take anything you have to say seriously?


this movie rocks, OP was clearly confused. this has over-the-top unbelievable violence but it's very entertaining and not as serious as american-style violence. *spoilers* The scene where his fiance is decapitated and her head is accidentally kicked around like a soccer ball is friggin amazing come on now. very well made stylish movie, we don't have to be sheep and all have the same opinion, insulting the intelligence of those that like this is what's truly moronic. there are so many worse movies out there to get your panties in a bunch over



Retarded post from a Moron...


Your posts are *beep* cancer. Edgy before the term edgy even existed.


'Retarded movie for morons' So every film you don't understand you say it's retarded and only morons like it? Wow you're stupid.

'the stupidity of "these are the people accused of similar crimes" - accused of beating, kidnapping, and dismembering women then scattering their body parts?!?'

There's a lot of sick people in this world, so i can easily say 4 people are capable of being sick and doing those crimes alike.

You did not understand the plot at all, Sure it's still a flawed film, But you are not capable of enjoying a movie.


"the fact that he retrieves a ring from the grate when it's not visible"

There might have been some light from some angle shining on it and it may have given off a small shine and the agent might have had good eyes or at least suspected it was something useful and yes it turned out to be his dead fiancé's ring as SPOILER - at the time of the murder, you see it go down the drain before the killer manages to notice it and reach it himself.
