How is this a 6.8?!?

This movie is TERRIFYING I don't understand the average score. Fantastic film. Anyone that didn't enjoy it?


I agree. This film was great and quite unique in my opinion. I've never watched a horror film that involved astral projection


I can't believe it either. This is such a classic now. Everything about it is the epitome of a horror movie. Everyone is just so negative nowadays. This movie freaks me out, has an awesome storyline, and a really cool score.

I swear, whenever a good horror movie comes out people still give it bad reviews. The Conjuring left people so polarized - I myself love The Conjuring as well but I know there were plenty crying "overrated". Oh well.


Yes, I thought this movie was amazing. It reminds me of Poltergeist and is just as good. The story, music, and cast are all amazing and I think it's one of the best horror films of the past 5 years.


It's a 6.8 because of the dumbing down of America. It would be a 1.0 if a bunch of 13 year-olds didn't vote crap like this into oblivion when it's clearly a steaming pile of poo.


I rated it 8/10. Definitely one of my favorite modern horror movies. But then again I really enjoy haunted house flicks too.


Its an ok movie, entertaining at most, we just have very low standards nowadays, the only thing I enjoy quite a lot are the references to Carnival of Souls, other than that, The Babadook having such a low score is a lot more offensive, that is one perfect gem.


I'm not real big into the horror genre, but I recently watched The Conjuring and thought it was absolutely terrifying.

Been asking around for other great films in the genre, and Insidious kept getting mentioned. I figured it comes from the same director (who seems competent in the genre) so I might as well give it a shot.

What a let down this was. Not even close to the level of fright from The Conjuring.


I agree. This movie is very creepy but not scary


I didn't like the film.
Gave me tinnitus.
I did however like the epic plot twist where it turns out Darth Maul is actually Freddy Krueger gone sexual.


Xander Xyox I'm still laughing for that comparison! :D Same!
