So sick of Danny

saving the day. I mean c'mon, is he the only cop? What's next, fitting him for a pair of tights and a cape? Sheesh


You're just discovered how much of a DOUCHEBAG he is? He brakes a lot of rules and yet, NOTHING HAPPENS TO HIM? The show should be renamed;
Reagan's..The Nepotism show. I only watch it for Tom Selleck and catching Glimpse's of Eddy's Big Tits.


Well Danny gets things done, doesn't he? It's amazing that all three Danny, Erin, and Jamie come from the same family. They are all so different.


Yes. He not only is the only cop ever available it seems, he's allowed to do anything and is never suspended -- unless it would be grotesquely unfair.

The thing that irks me the most is how he's always grousing and whining about something.
