MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > How is this only a 6.7??? What a JOKE.

How is this only a 6.7??? What a JOKE.

We have moronic comedy movies with scores of 7.5 and this only gets a 6.7.

And why are people complaining about its religious tone?

I'm an ATHEIST and I couldn't care less about the religious segments of the movie. They are hardly even there.

I have to admit I didn't know anything about Bethany Hamilton before watching this, but seriously the movie is VERY WELL DONE.


I've found it's the Hamilton's faith that puts people off, no one wants to hear about God's love, they want a film that tells them they can lie, cheat, steal, sleep around with no consequences. Anything mindless but give them an actual story with morals then oh oh oh you're infringing on my human rights.... Sorry, ranting....


I've found it's the Hamilton's faith that puts people off, no one wants to hear about God's love, they want a film that tells them they can lie, cheat, steal, sleep around with no consequences.

The problem with christian themed movies is that people from that religion tend to be ignorant enough to think EXACTLY AS YOU DO about non religious or atheist people, which makes this audience loss interest because generally this kind of movies are propagandistic, hypocritical and judgmental.

People like you only reinforce the negative stereotype.

Being said that, I am a hardcore atheist who is very critical about organized religions and yet I LOVED this movie and admire the real life Bethany for all she had to go through, and while I will never agree with christians and their generally archaic ideologies, I can not nor will blame her for clinging into that faith during difficult times (and she sure had those!). It is human nature and completely understandable.

Christianity's GREATEST ally and BEST friend throughout history is Satan


... christians and their generally archaic ideologies....

Sorry to tell you this but there's nothing more archaic than the convoluted ideology known as atheism. It takes more faith to deny God than to accept Him. Like it or not that makes you a "religious" being.

But I'm glad you saw value in the movie anyway.


Rapturegirl, what are you talking about? Atheism is not an ideology, nor is it a religion. This is the most tiresome argument, and I always hear it from religious (mostly Christian) people. I have nothing against religion, but atheism is simply the absence of belief in a deity. That's it: no set of rules or principles, no faith in anything (and don't pull the belief in evolution=atheism thing, because that's a false comparison). Also, look up what "archaic" actually means (hint: it doesn't mean "faithful").


Religion: Believe in something, and then look for evidence that support that believe. Which is kind of easy, because every child can find evidence to believe in the existence of him - and with him i mean the easter rabbit...

Science: Believe in something, and then look for evidence to prove this believe WRONG. As long as you - and others - fail to do so, your believe is valid.

Scientists are more likely atheists than every other group. Guess why. :-)

The story of the bible is made up. Fact. Even most of the story centered on the Rabbi Jeshua, a.k.a. Jesus.
(Religious) wonders are proven to be (easily) explainable.
No influence of a god or "higher" creature can be found on earth or anywhere else.

And yes: Signs are pointing to the "believe", that your life ends when it ends.
Yeah. Your EGO (that thing that created this "God" in the first place) doesn't like that. Mine didn't, either. But just because I don't like something, can't force me to believe otherwise. That would be cowardly. Your god wouldn't like that.

Kind regards,
a man who once was risen to become a catholic.

P.S.: Take 10.000 christians, and take 10.000 atheists, watch them for 10 years. The christians will have committed more crimes than the atheists. Fact.


Atheism isn't an ideology. Lack of belief isn't a belief. It isn't faith. You can't form anything religious on the basis of not believing in a god that others believe in. Yes, there are people who take atheism to a level that makes it almost equivalent to the belief of theists, but many other people simply just don't believe in a supreme being, the Christian god or otherwise.


much respect to you for being an atheist and knowing belief is just another opinion. I'm an atheist too btw.



David is 100% correct.


I would say that 6/10 was a fair score for a light weight, albeit warm hearted movie.

The crappy "comedies" are over rated on IMDB.

Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


"We have moronic comedy movies with scores of 7.5 and this only gets a 6.7.

And why are people complaining about its religious tone?"

America has changed and is constantly changing. Tastes in entertainment have changed. People once liked Little House on the Prairie and The Cosby Show and things like that. Now people would rather watch something "darker", more cynical, pessimistic, bleak, raunchy, etc. I don't know why. It's just the days we live in I guess.


So underrated!! I completely agree with you. Moronic comedy movies score 7.5 while this great movie scores only 6.7!! It's such an amazing movie, so inspiring. I just love it!


I think it's stupid that atheists complain so much about Christian themed movies. Us Christians have to deal with atheist themes and non-religious themes. If we have to endure it, you have to endure it. Just deal with it! Everyone is offended sometimes!


Probably because the acting is bad; terrible is some parts. However, I thought it was a touching and entertaining movie.


Agreed. Also, it could show the family's religious side without being so preachy about it.


I agree the religious tone did not take away from the film one bit. nor did it add to it. It simply existed as much as, say, a character in a movie belonging to the Elks or the Masons. A point of interest, but hardly the main theme of the film.

That being said, i think 6.7 is a very respectable score for a film and I don't think it's out of line for this film. What IS out of line is the way some other films are rated without any sort of real value.

My "#3" key is broken so I'm putting one here so i can cut & paste with it.


I thought it was a horrible movie, I gave it a 1. I'm a pretty hardcore atheist, and I hate evangelism, but when someone feels happy when in a religion like Christianity and isn't hurting anyone, then I feel truly happy for them. This movie, however, I despised for a number of reasons. First of all, the cheese. Cheese was abundant in this idiotic film. I think they had a whole crew to deal with the cheese. They focused on providing as many horrible pop songs as possible, and they whenever anyone got into a car, I could really imagine them all joining in to sing "Friday" together and doing the dolphin hand. They seemed to be aiming for the film to look as cheesy and melodramatic as possible, which is not an effect you want. The Hollywood feels was extremely apparent here, also not a theme you want to be showing in a film about someone who lost their arm to a shark attack. Everyone looks perfect, with the 13 year old girls having what seems to be like the shape of a pornstar. Everything is unrealistic, she spends what seemed like a week in rehab (correct me if I'm wrong, but it sure felt like it. The whole jist that rehab doesn't happen was just pretty annoying). As mentioned before, the film is basically just a big ad for Christianity, with everyone always praying for this and that, and the whole movie basically saying that if you're a Christian, you can get through *beep* The acting felt really hammed up and unrealistic. For example, Bethany makes some food for her family after her shark attack. She makes the food, drops it, then her whole family is condescending towards her about it. WTF? Ridiculous. Lastly, but probably the thing that ruined it most for me, was the fact that Bethany never really seemed to feel normal emotions.In one scene, she cries to a friend, questioning " could this be God's plan for me?". The thing is, she never actually considers that there might be no purpose in life, or, perhaps, even question the possibility of a god. I think most people would agree that if you suffered something horrific as getting your arm ripped off by a shark after being on the way to becoming a pro surfer, you might became at least a little bit nihilistic. Bethany instead, just braves it through and prays a *beep* So, short story made unreasonably long, that is why I hate this movie. Please note that I think that the real story of Bethany is really great, and more people should know about it. I just think that it was really horrible to pretty much desecrate such an amazing story with this *beep* movie. Thanks for reading, if anyone has.


I agree 100 %....its a shame that such a courageous story had to be portrayed on the big screen in such a way.


Great inspirational movie
I loved it
I rated it 9


I'm an atheist as well and I have to very much disagree. Does this movie really expect us to believe that she never once questioned if there is a God after experiencing something so horrific?

I felt that the movie was very something you would see on the religious or maybe Disney Channel. Doing so did the true story a great injustice. I don't need a R rating by any stretch of the means but an accurate portrayal of what surviving something like this would have been like would have been better. The realistic humanism of what she went through was lost in this movie sadly.


It was boring.

I lost interest the minute the movie started getting too preachy (which seemed like it was halfway through).

The casting was great though, with both the kids and the parents. Lots of nice looking people to look at, especially Kevin Sorbo and Helen Hunt.
