MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > How is this only a 6.7??? What a JOKE.

How is this only a 6.7??? What a JOKE.

We have moronic comedy movies with scores of 7.5 and this only gets a 6.7.

And why are people complaining about its religious tone?

I'm an ATHEIST and I couldn't care less about the religious segments of the movie. They are hardly even there.

I have to admit I didn't know anything about Bethany Hamilton before watching this, but seriously the movie is VERY WELL DONE.



I rated this movie a 6 even though I loved the story.

I can honestly tell you that I found the story very inspirational but the movie lacked in many other aspects and could have been done better. The way it was shot, the progression of events, the dialogue and emotion could have all been better in my opinion.

I don't win, I don't eat.


I remember the story when it happened. Horrible. And Bethany was so cute! I just watched the movie. On TV, it had 1 star. I couldn't believe it would be that bad. And it wasn't. It was probably a 2 or a 2.5. (somehow Jump Street got a 4! So I watched it. And just as I expected, it wasn't very good. Who rates these things? They are usually fairly accurate. 1-4 gives a lot of leeway.
The story was good, the acting was fine. It was all I expected. I'm not a believer, and sped through most of the inspirational scenes. I'm not really interested in someone else's religious beliefs... But they were probably minor, in the movie.


This was a made-for-TV movie that was lucky as hell to get into theaters at all. How it receives anything over a 5 is charity from Christians--that's all. Anyone with any taste sees this for the shallow dreck it is. All of you gushing over it are merely exposing how tacky and base you are.

"Don't drink that @$$hole, you'll get malaria!..."


It's a great story, but some of the acting in this movie was terrible. In all honesty, I'm surprised it's scoring as high as it is.


It's really badly directed. So many 1sec cuts.
The narration of explaining how Beth feels is also annoying. Show don't tell.
The script is pretty terrible for the first half hour, etc.
Acting wise: meeh. You expect this to be a powerful tear-dropper but the acting is not that sentimental when it counts.


I feel similarly to you (the OP).

I would describe myself as agnostic.

I feel that it is presumptuous either to say that you KNOW there is a God OR to say you know there is NOT a God.

I am also frequently very frustrated with organized religion.

With this perspective... I loved the movie. I thought this was a positive and fair depiction of a Christian family. I felt the movie lacked the kind of Christian dogma that alienates non-Christians. I don't want Christian views to be OVER-represented in North American pop-culture, but I don't feel it is fair for them to be UNDER-represented either.

I thought the movie was extremely effective as an intimate depiction of a family dealing with a tragedy.


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... except for you.
