MovieChat Forums > Soul Surfer (2011) Discussion > Helen Hunt scarier than the shark

Helen Hunt scarier than the shark

I dont condone the use of plastic surgery, but Helen's face is an emergency.


I know she is getting up there, but I was startled by how old she looks.


She didn't look good... I don't want to be any more unkind than honesty requires of me, so I'll leave it there.

Born when she kissed me, died when she left me, lived whilst she loved me


I don´t think she didn´t age well, but I think Helen Hunt definitely looked better if she´d only put on a bit more weight.



I am agreed that she looked a bit rough in this movie. She really seemed to age badly.

however just yesterday I saw her in an interview promoting her new film "The Sessions" and she looked great. She also looked good in the clip that was shown.

one thing I think is she was very slim in "Soul Surfer" and it just made her narrow face winkles and such more pronounced.

"I will go darkside"


LOL! Yeah, that permanent frown on her face just makes her look . . . and terribly old.

Others on this thread have commented on how using Hunt was perfect casting. Yeah, well, that's not the point of this thread at all. The point of this thread is to snark on Hunt's worse-than-shark looks.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


I cannot believe how naïve everyone is ! She looks that way BECAUSE she had botched plastic surgery(is there any other kind?) and so did Dennis Quaid AND Jessica Lange,Jennifer Connelly, (who used to be gorgeous before her nose job, breast reduction,etc. but threw her looks away so she could be taken "seriously" as an actress. Yes, she has won awards for films no one even saw but if she is so happy now, then why is she such a b****?)

Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith,Mickey Rourke,Robert Redford Chuck Norris,Kenny Rogers,etc. The extreme tightness and loss of elasticity is a dead giveaway ! Your skin does not get tighter as you age NATURALLY, it gets looser. And yes, Helen Hunt is extremely thin but her lips are all but gone,they do not move when she talks and she has one expression.Plastic surgery and BOTOX did this because she, and others fall victim to the age discrimination that is rampant in Hollywood.

This does not happen in England.Actors are allowed to age naturally as they move from child actor to ingénue,wife,mother,grandmother,etc.roles in film, television and the theatre.Our most beloved actors are character actors, something that American actors do not want to be.They want to be the ingénue at 45 (Jennifer Aniston is a perfect example) but is not realistic and it is sad.

Most actors seem to accept age and the natural changes in face and body more easily than actresses do but there are exceptions.I wish these people would understand that talent and grace are more important than youth. The "fans" are partly to blame for these desperate acts.

When an actor of say, Brendan Fraser's talent, personality and versatility are bombasted for losing their hair (it is called male pattern baldness and it is hereditary, folks! AND Saggitarians are also prone to hairloss in middle age,) AND for gaining some extra weight due to medical conditions that prevent him from working out,they panic and do crazy things to try to regain their popularity.Then the "fans" scream plastic surgery, hair plugs, hairpiece, botox, etc.

If YOU are so shallow that you cannot still like an actor for gaining (or losing) a few pounds and getting a wrinkle or two then YOU are the one with the problem ! There are vapid NEW,YOUNG actors and actresses every day and you should pick one of them to worship and when they turn 30, put them out to pasture in your judgmental minds and pick a new one. There are loyal fans who like and admire actors exactly the way nature made them and you fair-weather fans are not needed.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


Paragraphs, they can be your friends.


PhantomF-12 - Paragraphs , they can be your friends.

O.K. Professor ? Do I get a gold star ?

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


Everyone moans about all the work done in Hollywood, yet they bitch about the face of a real actress. HH has NEVER hid behind vanity projects. Most of her movies show a raw side, like the raccoon face of the drunk mother in 'pay it forward'. Or doing fully nude scenes in much of her last(?) movie. In her 40's. And these weren't sexy scenes. She played an un-glamorous, stark sex therapist.
I'll agree - she's not the beauty she used to be. But she looked real in this movie. I had to adjust to what she looks like today, but I got used to it. And it's not like she's ugly, or that bad looking. I don't think that was the look she was going for in this film.
But all you guys - get over yourself. Women age, and their looks change. Just like men, but they aren't judged as harshly.

