He stayed with her...

after she cheated on him? What a mug. I wouldn't have looked back. I would have preferred dying to radiation poisoning to shacking up her.


Because she was pretty teen and men have erection every hour.

-Oh lord, Do we have the strength to carry on this task in one night? Or are we just jerking off.


The OP has got so much tail he is throwing it away. Forget this is the last piece on Earth. You're dignity would be gone faster than your tracks running back to the house.


How can you cheat on someone who you aren't in a relationship with and who in fact turned you down when you tried to take your relationship to the next level?

Loomis started all the problems with his passive-aggressiveness. He needed to tell her he wasn't cool with her and Caleb instead of telling her to do it and then killing him because he couldn't deal with it.


Loomis encouraged her to get intimate with Caleb, and passed on the opportunity to get with her when she made herself available.
He can't complain about anything.
