What's your Golden Age?

I thought this movie made some very interesting points about nostalgia, and how every era had an earlier era they considered the "golden age".

When I was a teenager I was fascinated by the middle ages, and played out elaborate scenarios in my head about how I would get by if I was suddenly transported back in time to Europe in the 11th century or so. I love the old dresses, the castles, and the stories. I really felt like the present was boring and I had been born in the wrong time. I'm sure some of it was just feeling like I didn't fit in, like any teenager, and thinking I'd rather do needlework and pottery (some of my hobbies) than go to school and feel like an outsider.

I am still very interested in this period and like to imagine living in it, but I think part of growing up has been realizing and appreciating how good the present really is. Like Gil pointed out, we have antibiotics now! I can vote, have a good job, car, and apartment, and do so much that I wouldn't have been able to do even 100 years ago, let alone 1000! I've also met someone like Inez, a complete realist who can't comprehend that need to escape from the present. We didn't get along, but trying to understand her opened my eyes a lot. People had just as many problems then, only theirs came with smallpox, oppression, and ignorance.

Are you a realist or a nostalgiac? What time period/place would you visit if you had the chance?


Wow, this thread has been going on a long time.

I do like some modern conveniences so I don't care to go back too far. But different eras at different ages are appealing.

Like many others, it would be great either a young adult post war in the late forties or fifties when women dressed up to go downtown shopping. I also liked the Kennedy era, really liked Jackie O's style. The Kennedy assassination would have been devastating, though.

I think it would have been fun to have been a kid in the fifties and sixties with the modern space age, and how marveled they were by the new accomplishments and the toys that came out reflecting that. Disneyland opening in California.

I also think it would have fun being a teenager in the late seventies like my older siblings. They had a lot of fun, by the time the eighties came around, adults wisened up to teens antics so it wasn't as free. Still had fun in the eighties but the seventies was the birth of classic rock, too.


Berlin, Germany in the spring of 1945. Ahh what a great time that would of been.

"If life on a good day feels like a blazing fire then I am a pile of smoldering ashes without a flame"


While there are a number of things/events from the last 90 or so years that fascinate me and I would have liked to experience, I can’t say I have one. Modern life is for me, and thus I’m more interested in the future myself (that is, if the world doesn’t destroy itself... things ain’t looking so good I’m afraid.) Oops, that’s not how it works here, huh? XD

Well that being said, if I could travel back to the past and spend some time there, I’d try out 1940's and 1950's (maybe also the 60’s) Los Angeles & New York. World issues aside, I’m really fascinated with those eras and especially in those places. The fashion, music, cars, architecture, day to day life, and the allure of the Golden Age of Hollywood (both the glamorous side and the dark side) of those decades just greatly appeals to me.

But at any rate, if there’s any chance the future will be a brighter place (from social issues and beyond), then take me to that futuristic world NOW! :> If not... then I'd also like to visit the 80’s for a while, reside in a bomb Southern California home, enjoy the Hardcore Punk, Ska, Goth rock, and some of the New Wave scene, and hopefully run into some sexy actresses. :D


It changes everyday probably haha
