Favourite scene?

Mine was when Gil gives Buñuel some hints for a movie idea about people not being able to leave the room, and the director simply cannot fathom it. "I don't get it, why wouldn't they just leave the room?" Made me smile.


Mine was when Gil gives Buñuel some hints for a movie idea about people not being able to leave the room, and the director simply cannot fathom it. "I don't get it, why wouldn't they just leave the room?" Made me smile.

this one and the rhinoceros scene with Dali are my favs.

Liberate tutemet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


Gil almost got caught taking the earrings.


I have so many...

- The introduction to the Fitzgeralds. "Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald... the Fitzgeralds." lol

- The scene where Gil schools Paul on the Picasso painting.

- Pretty much anything with Hemmingway. He was spot on.

- The Dali scene.


Great choices.


Loved those. The ones with Man Ray and Buñuel were also great.


I totally agree on those, especially the scene with Daliiiii

I drive real *beep* fast so try to keep up!!
Winston Wolfe


My favorite scene is when Gil & Gabby are walking and the rain starts & the music starts


When Gil meets TS Eliot and talks about measuring out your life in cocaine spoons. Feels like several jokes and references passed over my head as I'm not very knowledgable about Picasso or Dali, but that one I got.


My Favorite Scenes:
- The first 3 minutes showing Paris beauty and magic
- The presentation of the Fitzgeralds and Gil's reactions and wtf faces
- Any scene with Hemingway
- Gil showing Paul he doesn't know everything (in the face you pedant man!)
- Helen saying Gil does not go dancing, and the next scene shows him dancing dancing
- Valium, the pill of the future
- Any scene with Dalí
- Gil, Buñuel, Man Ray and Dalí
- "The group with the pedant gentleman"
- When Gil opens the room door and there is Inez
- The talk scene between Gil and Buñuel about his movie idea
- Gil and Adriana's talk when they are in La Belle Époque
- When John says the detective is missing and he is shown in Versailles

Basically Corey Stoll and Adrien Brody stole the movie, although I also loved Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston.


What about:

"Have you ever made love to a truly great woman?"

'Actually, my fiancé is pretty, pretty sexy.'

"And when you make love to her you feel true and beautiful passion. And you for at least that moment, lose your fear of death."

'No, that doesn't happen.'

I am sooo Gil. But desperately want to be Hemingway.


be a writer was tops, though not funny. It was just really well done. Does anyone know if any of Hemingway's dialogue was quoted exactly anything Hemingway said or wrote?


MIP's Hemingway was all made up by Allen. However, the line Gil has about all American fiction coming from Huckleberry Finn is something actually from Hemingway which if I'm not mistaken  was something Hemingway declared in the 1930s.
