MovieChat Forums > Midnight in Paris (2011) Discussion > Our present: the Golden Age

Our present: the Golden Age

This movie makes us realize, that people can live in the best moment in history, and they still will complain about their present; so, taking our present as the golden age, what do you think is the best of it? what will remain as stand outs for the following generations?


I love my iPhone but I remember when you could get away and be totally cut off from the world. It was great! Now when I go to the summit of Cadillac mountain in Maine there's always some *beep* walking around the trail blabbing into his or her phone. That's when I miss the good old days.


It's extremely difficult to stand around and admire the view when you don't know any better. It's like when you go on Holiday, you see rural areas, or mountains or something and you realise how beautiful it looks. Even though just down the road from you there might be a very similar scene. Surroundings just are, you don't tend to sit around and question them, or rate them.
It's very easy for people to Get blind sided by a question such as this, the only real way of knowing what will age like wine, and what will age like bread is by asking this question again in about 50 years. Unfortunately for me i imagine some part of me will have given up by then; one would imagine... my liver, however, that being said If you can for a moment think outside of the box. A few things like this come to mind.

Banksy, Jonathan Ive people like this are changing what is thought of as art, or even design and advertising, surely in the future when people look back these sorts of people will be admired, and studied.

We also live in a time when there are fast becoming many female Directors. Perhaps this will be something that is thought of as a period in years to come.
Susanne Bier, Miranda July, Kathryn Bigelow, Sofia Coppola.

In regards to Male film Directors surely these Auteurs have spawned all kinds of different movements. Lars Von Trier with his Dogma 95 movement, Quentin Tarantino his influence on American Interdependent cinema is clear for all to see, no matter what you think of the mans work.

In regards to Literature, in the UK I know that performance poetry is becoming a huge thing, there is quite a movement going on in pubs and clubs etc. Although a little research tells me this is becoming quite big in the US. Perhaps in the future people will look back and be studying Marc Smith (creator of poetry slam) and wishing they were back in the 90's and 00's when these sorts of thing began.

I think with the populations of most countries expanding all the time and with the internet and social media, it is going to be much harder to have movements as such that sweep a continent, the way that say The impressionist movement did with art in the last 19 century. But there will always be groups of people being creative I just think that in today's day and age it's going to be more difficult for these sorts of things to get such a huge status, because there are so many more people to involve.



As Lisblueeyes said: medicine/surgery. Gil says it quite well: antibiotics. The fact that a serious illness that is fatal, don't have to be anymore. And how it's now more common (at least in the western world) to survive child birth, and that women don't have to give birth to 10 kids - because the two you have are more likley to grow up and reach adulthood. Good life :)

- Whos the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady



Excellent point by the OP. 'Always look at the bright side of life' (Monty Pithon). Now seriously, I would try communication in general. It makes information more accessible, but also generates a lot of noise and garbage. If only we were more focused, direct and thoughtful...

Perhaps anyone's golden age is his youth, e. g. the hippies didn't care much for politics first, they had Jimmy and Janice and weed, but then when they took a stand against the Vietnam war and everything they became civil activists.

There was a fine joke here in Romania, relatable to this golden age concept: two old man chatting, one says 'Remember the good times in Stalin's time?', the other goes 'You're nuts, what good times, with all that Gulag, persecutions etc', and the first replies 'Yeah, but back then we were still getting some a**...'

'We can't be lost; we don't know where we're going.
All that matters is that we're going.'


I know a lot of people would say Lady Gaga and the other artists today (like Miley cyrus)
Which I really don't get, it kind of makes me sad that some people would consider Gaga and Miley a "Golden Age" type of thing.

As for what is our present as the golden Age. I think it is movies in general.
Probably super hero movies. this decade would be held as the most amazing time for hero movies


I can't think of much except maybe the medical advancements that have been achieved.

Technology as it has been used in other ways, however, has destroyed the provincial in my opinion. I think there's a lot to be said for not having access to everything.

There is a real impersonality and even divisiveness in this culture nowadays. And this should be a time when we're beyond that.

The art of communication has been broadened to a world stage through technology, yet funny how communication has also become a victim of technology and is also a part of the divisiveness we see around us.

I know every generation will find something about its own time that is not seemingly as good as the previous era, but there have been huge leaps in the last two or three decades. Communication and knowledge of the world around us has always been a little better with each passing generation. But I think we're seeing what can happen when there is too much of it. I don't always think humankind can handle it in a healthy manner.
