MovieChat Forums > Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) Discussion > Better or worse than the original?

Better or worse than the original?

That's what I wanna know.


I liked the original a little more. Both were very enjoyable.


Do you prefer birds or fish?


i preferred the second film if thats what your asking




You might also “wanna” learn the English language, which would teach you “better or worse.”

Seriously: how the fuck were you graduated from primary school.

I’m not a Nazi. I’m just educated.


Not all people here are native english speakers (or americans). We can always swap to their native language if you prefer and if you're such a genius in foreign languages.


If you’re going to use a language, use it properly or don’t use it at all.


Onpa hieno ja kannustava asenne. Meilläpäin ihmisiä kannustetaan käyttämään vierasta kieltä vaikkei olisikaan siinä täydellinen. Tällä keskustelufoorumilla ei ole niin paljon käyttäjiä, että heitä kannattaisi vaientaa puutteellisen kielitaidon takia.


How to be a dick 1.0


On balance I’d say this one’s better, although both are Cameron’s worst films and he really should be making more classics like Aliens, T2 etc but he’s on this mad eco-mission and he’s ‘worked the testosterone out of his system’ 🙄

This one looks better and has superior action, but the characters are still wafer thin and it’s riddled with plot holes. It’s an entertaining enough watch and beats most of the slop coming out of Hollywood but it’s just frustrating that Cameron is wasting his time on these inferior projects.

Worse, he still won’t release classics like The Abyss and True Lies on blu-ray, let alone 4K disc, and his ‘restoration’ of T2 on 4K utterly ruined the look of the film, its legendary as one of the worst 4K discs on the market. Cameron seems to hate his older, better work and wants to focus on this crap 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's a filler movie, not in any way better than the first.
